Reputation: 3897
I'm new into suitecrm, I'd like to add a one2many relationship between Campaigns
and Products
In a subpanel
form, as far as I know, I should modify
File, but I don't understand which of these relations should I take as an example.
Could someone put me in the right direction on this?
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Views: 1337
Reputation: 3079
Hello I am answering this question according to sugarcrm you have to do it same in suitcrm.
I checked there is only one to one relationship in Campaign Module.
So , try to create custom sub panel withe one to many relation
1. Create a new link class
This should go into custom/modules//YourNewLink.php and this class will act as the custom functionality that will build your link between the two records.
* Custom filtered link
class YourNewLink extends Link2
* DB
* @var DBManager
protected $db;
public function __construct($linkName, $bean, $linkDef = false)
$this->focus = $bean;
$this->name = $linkName;
$this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance();
if (empty($linkDef)) {
$this->def = $bean->field_defs[$linkName];
} else {
$this->def = $linkDef;
* Returns false if no relationship was found for this link
* @return bool
public function loadedSuccesfully()
// this link always loads successfully
return true;
* @see Link2::getRelatedModuleName()
public function getRelatedModuleName()
return '<Your_Module>';
* @see Link2::buildJoinSugarQuery()
public function buildJoinSugarQuery($sugar_query, $options = array())
$joinParams = array('joinType' => isset($options['joinType']) ? $options['joinType'] : 'INNER');
$jta = 'active_other_invites';
if (!empty($options['joinTableAlias'])) {
$jta = $joinParams['alias'] = $options['joinTableAlias'];
$sugar_query->joinRaw($this->getCustomJoin($options), $joinParams);
return $sugar_query->join[$jta];
* Builds main join subpanel
* @param string $params
* @return string JOIN clause
protected function getCustomJoin($params = array())
$bean_id = $this->db->quoted($this->focus->id);
$sql = " INNER JOIN(";
$sql .= "SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE id={$bean_id}"; // This is essentially a select statement that will return a set of ids that you can match with the existing sugar_query
$sql .= ") accounts_result ON =";
return $sql;
The argument $sugar_query is a new SugarQuery object, the details of which are documented here. What you essentially need to do is extend this query with whatever join/filters you wish to add. This is done in the inner join I've specified.
Note: The inner join can get really complicated, so if you want a real working example, checkout modules/Emails/ArchivedEmailsLink.php and how the core sugar team use this. I can confirm however that this does work with custom joins.
Here is the getEmailsJoin to help you understand what you can actually produce via this custom join.
* Builds main join for archived emails
* @param string $params
* @return string JOIN clause
protected function getEmailsJoin($params = array())
$bean_id = $this->db->quoted($this->focus->id);
if (!empty($params['join_table_alias'])) {
$table_name = $params['join_table_alias'];
} else {
$table_name = 'emails';
return "INNER JOIN (\n".
// directly assigned emails
"select eb.email_id, 'direct' source FROM emails_beans eb where eb.bean_module = '{$this->focus->module_dir}'
AND eb.bean_id = $bean_id AND eb.deleted=0\n" .
" UNION ".
// Related by directly by email
"select DISTINCT eear.email_id, 'relate' source from emails_email_addr_rel eear INNER JOIN email_addr_bean_rel eabr
ON eabr.bean_id = $bean_id AND eabr.bean_module = '{$this->focus->module_dir}' AND
eabr.email_address_id = eear.email_address_id and eabr.deleted=0 where eear.deleted=0\n" .
") email_ids ON $ ";
2. Add a new vardef entry for the link field.
For this example, I'm going to create the custom link on the contacts module. So this code goes in custom/Extension/modules/Contacts/Ext/Vardefs/your_field_name.php
$dictionary["Contact"]["fields"]["your_field_name"] = array(
'name' => 'active_other_invites',
'type' => 'link',
'link_file' => 'custom/modules/<YourModule>/YourNewLink.php',
'link_class' => 'YourNewLink',
'source' => 'non-db',
'vname' => 'LBL_NEW_LINK',
'module' => '<YourModule>',
'link_type' => 'many',
'relationship' => '',
3. Add the new link as a subpanel
This goes under custom/Extension/modules/Contacts/Ext/clients/base/layouts/subpanels/your_subpanel_name.php
$viewdefs['Contacts']['base']['layout']['subpanels']['components'][] = array (
'layout' => 'subpanel',
'label' => 'LBL_NEW_LINK',
'context' =>
array (
'link' => 'your_field_name',
4. Add the label
Under custom/Extension/modules/Contacts/Ext/Language/en_us.new_link.php
$mod_strings['LBL_ACTIVE_OTHER_INVITES'] = 'Your New Link';
5. Quick Repair and Rebuild
That should hopefully get you started. Keep an eye on the sugarlogs while you're debugging your queries. I also found using xdebug and SugarQueries compileSql function invaluable in figuring out what I needed to do to get a working INNER JOIN statement.
Upvotes: 1