Reputation: 383
I am trying to write a code for a network of FitzHugh NAgumo neurons in C, using RK4 integrator. As that wasn't working, I decided to try something simpler, a simple pendulum system. I am using separate functions - one to return the differential array, one for the integrator, and a few functions to add and multiply numbers to each element of an array.
Here is the code that returns all '0' values:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int N = 2;
float h = 0.001;
struct t_y_couple{
float t;
float* y;
float* array_add(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float array_add[2]);
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt,float t, float* p1);
float* oscnetwork_opt(float t, float *y);
float* array_mul(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float num);
int main(void){
/* initializations*/
struct t_y_couple t_y;
int i,iter;
// time span for which to run simulation
int tspan = 20;
// total number of time iterations = tspan*step_size
int tot_time = (int) ceil(tspan/h);
// Time array
float T[tot_time];
// pointer definitions
float *p, *q;
// vector to hold values for each differential variable for all time iterations
float Y[tot_time][2];
// 2*N+sum_adj = total number of coupled differential equations to solve
// initial conditions vector for time = 0
Y[0][0] = 0;
Y[0][1] = 0.1;
// set the time array
T[0] = 0;
// This loop calls the RK4 code
for (i=0;i<tot_time-1;i++){
p = &Y[i][0]; // current time
q = &Y[i+1][0]; // next time step
// printf("\n\n");
// for (j=0;j<2*N+sum_adj;j++)
// printf("value passed in from main function: %f ,%d ",*(p+j),j);
// printf("\n");
// call the RK4 integrator with current time value, and current
// values of voltage
t_y = integrator_rk4(h,T[i],p);
// Return the time output of integrator into the next iteration of time
T[i+1] = t_y.t;
// copy the output of the integrator into the next iteration of voltage
q = memcpy(q, t_y.y, (2) * sizeof(float));
// q = memcpy(q, p, (2*N+sum_adj) * sizeof(float) );
printf("%f ",T[i+1]);
for (iter = 0;iter<N;iter++)
printf("%f ",*(p+iter));
return 0;
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt,float t, float y[2])
// initialize all the pointers
float *y1,*y2,*y3, *yout;
float tout,dt_half;
float *k1,*k2,*k3,*k4;
// initialize iterator
int i;
// printf("\n");
struct t_y_couple ty1;
tout = t+dt;
dt_half = 0.5*dt;
float addition[2];
// return the differential array into k1
k1 = oscnetwork_opt(t,y);
// multiply the array k1 by dt_half
k1 = array_mul(2,k1,dt_half);
// add k1 to each element of the array y passed in
y1 = array_add(2,y,k1);
// for (i=0;i<2*N+sum_adj;i++)
// printf("k1: %f y: %f y1: %f\n",*(k1+i), *(y+i), *(y1+i));
// do the same thing 3 times
k2 = oscnetwork_opt(t+dt_half,y1);
k2 = array_mul(2,k2,dt_half);
y2 = array_add(2,y,k2);
// for (i=0;i<2*N+sum_adj;i++)
// printf("k2: %f y: %f y2: %f\n",*(k2+i), *(y+i), *(y2+i));
k3 = oscnetwork_opt(t+dt_half,y2);
k3 = array_mul(2,k3,dt);
y3 = array_add(2,y,k3);
// for (i=0;i<2*N+sum_adj;i++)
// printf("k3: %f y: %f y3: %f\n",*(k3+i), *(y+i), *(y3+i));
k4 = oscnetwork_opt(tout,y3);
k4 = array_mul(2,k4,dt);
yout = array_add(2,y,k4);
// for (i=0;i<2*N+sum_adj;i++)
// printf("k4: %f y: %f y4: %f\n",*(k4+i), *(y+i), *(yout+i));
// Make the final additions with k1,k2,k3 and k4 according to the RK4 code
for (i=0;i<2;i++){
addition[i] = ((*(k1+i)) + (*(k2+i))*2 + (*(k3+i))*2 + (*(k4+i))) *dt/6;
// printf("final result : addition %f ", addition[i]);
// printf("\n");
// add this to the original array
yout = array_add(2,y,addition);
// for (i=0;i<2*N+sum_adj;i++)
// printf("yout: %f ",*(yout+i));
// printf("\n");
// return a struct with the current time and the updated voltage array
ty1.t = tout;
ty1.y = yout;
return ty1;
// function to add two arrays together, element by element
float* array_add(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float array_sum[2]){
int i;
static float *array_out_add= NULL;
if (array_out_add != 0) {
array_out_add = (float*) realloc(array_out_add, sizeof(float) * (2));
} else {
array_out_add = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * (2));
for (i=0;i<len_array_in;i++){
array_out_add[i] = array_in[i]+array_sum[i];
// printf("before adding: %f, add amount: %f , after adding: %f, iteration: %d\n ", array_in[i], array_sum[i], array_out[i],i);
return array_out_add;
// return 0;
// function to multiply each element of the array by some number
float* array_mul(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float num){
int i;
static float *array_out_mul= NULL;
if (array_out_mul != 0) {
array_out_mul = (float*) realloc(array_out_mul, sizeof(float) * (2));
} else {
array_out_mul = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * (2));
for (i=0;i<len_array_in;i++){
array_out_mul[i] =array_in[i]*num;
return array_out_mul;
// return 0;
// function to return the vector with coupled differential variables for each time iteration
float* oscnetwork_opt(float t, float *y){
// define and allocate memory for the differential vector
static float* dydt = NULL;
if (dydt != 0) {
dydt = (float*) realloc(dydt, sizeof(float) * (2));
} else {
dydt = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * (2));
dydt[0] = y[1];
dydt[1] = -(0.1*0.1)*sin(y[0]);
return dydt;
Here is a code that does return a sine wave for the omega variable on my laptop but not on my PC (both 64 bit, laptop running Ubuntu 14.04 and PC running Debian 8).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int N = 2;
float h = 0.0001;
struct t_y_couple{
float t;
float* y;
float* array_add(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float array_add[2]);
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt,float t, float* p1);
float* oscnetwork_opt(float t, float *y);
float* array_mul(int len_array_in,float array_in[2], float num);
int main(void){
/* initializations*/
struct t_y_couple t_y;
int i,iter,j;
// time span for which to run simulation
int tspan = 20;
// total number of time iterations = tspan*step_size
int tot_time = (int) ceil(tspan/h);
// Time array
float T[tot_time];
// pointer definitions
float *p, *q;
// vector to hold values for each differential variable for all time iterations
float Y[tot_time][2];
// N = total number of coupled differential equations to solve
// initial conditions vector for time = 0
Y[0][0] = 3.14;
Y[0][1] = 0;
// set the time array
T[0] = 0;
// This loop calls the RK4 code
for (i=0;i<tot_time-1;i++){
p = &Y[i][0]; // current time
// q = &Y[i+1][0]; // next time step
// printf("\n\n");
// for (j=0;j<N;j++)
// printf("value passed in from main function: %f ,%d ",*(p+j),j);
// printf("\n");
// call the RK4 integrator with current time value, and current
// values of voltage
t_y = integrator_rk4(h,T[i],p);
// Return the time output of integrator into the next iteration of time
T[i+1] = t_y.t;
// copy the output of the integrator into the next iteration of voltage
// q = memcpy(q, t_y.y, (2) * sizeof(float));
// q = memcpy(q, p, (N) * sizeof(float) );
printf("%f ",T[i+1]);
for (iter = 0;iter<N;iter++){
Y[i+1][iter] = t_y.y[iter];
printf("%f ",Y[i+1][iter]);
return 0;
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt,float t, float y[2])
// initialize all the pointers
float y1[2],y2[2],y3[2], yout[2];
float tout,dt_half;
float k1[2],k2[2],k3[2],k4[2];
// initialize iterator
int i;
// for(i=0;i<N;i++)
// printf("into integrator %f ",y[i]);
// printf("\n");
struct t_y_couple ty1;
tout = t+dt;
dt_half = 0.5*dt;
float addition[2];
// return the differential array into k1
k1[0] = y[1];
k1[1] = -(1)*sin(y[0]);
// multiply the array k1 by dt_half
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
y1[i] = y[i] + k1[i]*dt_half;
// printf("k1: %f y: %f y1: %f\n",*(k1+i), *(y+i), *(y1+i));
// do the same thing 3 times
k2[0] = y1[1];
k2[1] = -(1)*sin(y1[0]);
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
y2[i] = y[i] + k2[i]*dt_half;
// printf("k2: %f y: %f y2: %f\n",*(k2+i), *(y+i), *(y2+i));
k3[0] = y2[1];
k3[1] = -(1)*sin(y2[0]);
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
y3[i] = y[i] + k3[i]*dt;
// printf("k3: %f y: %f y3: %f\n",*(k3+i), *(y+i), *(y3+i));
k4[0] = y3[1];
k4[1] = -(1)*sin(y3[0]);
// Make the final additions with k1,k2,k3 and k4 according to the RK4 code
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
addition[i] = (( k1[i]*dt) + (k2[i])*2 + (k3[i])*2 + (k4[i]))/6;
yout[i] = y[i] + addition[i];
// printf("y[%d]: %f + addition[%d]: %f = yout[%d] :%f ",i,y[i],i, addition[i], i, yout[i]);
// printf("final result : addition %f ", addition[i]);
// add this to the original array
// printf("\n");
// return a struct with the current time and the updated voltage array
ty1.t = tout;
ty1.y = yout;
return ty1;
I suspect that the problem lies mostly in the way I am passing the arrays through the functions - as it works when I do not have a separate function to run the integrator. Would appreciate some help on this.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 537
Reputation: 170269
Your code has undefined behavior. At its core, it's because you use static pointers in your multiplication and addition functions. Allow me to condense it into the problematic part:
k2 = array_mul(2,k2,dt_half);
k3 = array_mul(2,k3,dt); // This either makes k2 point to freed memory, or overwrites the values in the location it points to.
addition[i] = ((*(k1+i)) + (*(k2+i))*2 + (*(k3+i))*2 + (*(k4+i))) *dt/6; // This uses all four pointers as though they must point to distinct memory locations.
First get rid of that static. Then you can do one of two things:
Simply allocate memory inside the functions and return a pointer to it. It will be the calling codes responsibility to free it at the end, like this:
// etc
Pass a pointer into a your functions for them to populate, leaving the memory management entirely to the calling code:
// function to multiply each element of the array by some number
void array_mul(int len_array_in,float *array_in, float num, float *array_out){
int i;
for (i=0;i<len_array_in;i++){
array_out[i] =array_in[i]*num;
Upvotes: 1