Reputation: 27
I'm starting with cucumber and i'm trying to make a test that create a new movie in my rails. So in my teste1.feature
Feature: É possivel acessar a pagina de Novo Filme
Scenario: É possivel visitar paginas
Given I visit "/articles"
And I press the "Novo Filme" button
Then I should see the "/articles/new" page
Scenario: Add a movie
Given I visit "/articles"
And I press the "Novo Filme" button
Then I should see the "/articles/new" page
Given I am on a new movies page
When I fill in "article_title" with "Sta Uors"
And I fill in "f.number_field" with "10.5"
And I press "Salvar Novo Filme"
Then I should see "/articles"
Then I should see the "Sta Uors" at "tabelafilme"
and in my teste1.step i have
#Given(/^I visit "([^"]*)"$/) do
# visit article_path # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Given (/^I visit "(.*)"/) do |place|
visit place
And(/^I press the "([^"]*)" button$/) do |arg|
click_on( arg ) # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
Then(/^I should see the "([^"]*)" page$/) do |place|
visit "/articles/new"
Given (/^I am on a new movies page/) do
visit "/articles/new"
When (/^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"/) do |field , content|
fill_in (field), :with => (content), visible: false
And(/^I press "([^\"]*)"/) do |button|
Then (/^I should see "([^\"]*)"/) do |arg|
page.find_by_id('notice').text == arg
Then (/^I should see the "([^\"]*)" at "([^\"]*)"/) do |film, table|
expect(page).to have_css("#tebelafilme", :text => table)
find('td', text: film)
but i'm still getting this error
When I fill in "article_Titulo" with "Sta Uors" # features/step_definitions/teste1.rb:24
Unable to find field "article_Titulo" (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
./features/step_definitions/teste1.rb:25:in `/^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"/'
features/teste1.feature:18:in `When I fill in "article_Titulo" with "Sta Uors"'
So, i go to the project runing and click on my article_title to inspect on html page what's the name to put on cucumber, and the id name is "article_text", the label is "article_Titulo", and cucumber cannot find the field. Can someone help me?
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Views: 454
Reputation: 25
First as far as the documentation for fill_in goes it looks like its expecting a string specifically for both of those arguments. You could try doing fill_in "#{field}", :with => "#{content}", visible: false
to leave no doubt that you're feeding it strings.
However if you are creating the field with the text_field
helper method, this answer should do it. Looks like the elements created with an underscore in the name have that underscore stripped by the time it gets to the DOM.
Upvotes: 1