Reputation: 53
I am trying to change the Path Fill="#ff147f2e" to a lighter color on MouseOver and hit a wall. I just can not figure out how to parameterize this specific fill color. Any thoughts or pointers.
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<Style x:Key="PowerButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Group>/<Group>/<Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ff147f2e" Data="F1 M 104.825,50.080 C 104.825,77.693 82.440,100.078 54.826,100.078 C 27.213,100.078 4.825,77.693 4.825,50.080 C 4.825,22.466 27.213,0.081 54.826,0.081 C 82.440,0.081 104.825,22.466 104.825,50.080 Z"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ffe5e5e5" Data="F1 M 55.146,74.711 C 41.972,74.711 31.256,63.993 31.256,50.821 C 31.256,42.275 35.873,34.323 43.305,30.073 C 44.939,29.139 47.022,29.706 47.958,31.340 C 48.893,32.974 48.325,35.057 46.691,35.992 C 41.375,39.032 38.074,44.713 38.074,50.821 C 38.074,60.234 45.733,67.893 55.146,67.893 C 64.559,67.893 72.218,60.234 72.218,50.821 C 72.218,44.713 68.916,39.032 63.600,35.992 C 61.966,35.058 61.398,32.975 62.333,31.340 C 63.269,29.705 65.350,29.138 66.986,30.073 C 74.420,34.323 79.036,42.272 79.036,50.821 C 79.036,63.993 68.320,74.711 55.146,74.711 Z M 51.737,24.895 C 51.737,23.012 53.263,21.486 55.146,21.486 C 57.029,21.486 58.555,23.012 58.555,24.895 L 58.555,48.370 C 58.555,50.253 57.029,51.779 55.146,51.779 C 53.263,51.779 51.737,50.253 51.737,48.370 L 51.737,24.895 Z M 55.146,16.008 C 36.498,16.008 21.380,31.125 21.380,49.773 C 21.380,68.421 36.496,83.538 55.146,83.538 C 73.795,83.538 88.912,68.420 88.912,49.772 C 88.912,31.124 73.795,16.008 55.146,16.008 Z"/>
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4201
Reputation: 53
Here is the final code in the event anyone else needs to learn this
<Style x:Key="PowerButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<!-- <Path> -->
<Path x:Name="Power" Fill="#FF147D2E" Data="F1 M 104.825,50.080 C 104.825,77.693 82.440,100.078 54.826,100.078 C 27.213,100.078 4.825,77.693 4.825,50.080 C 4.825,22.466 27.213,0.081 54.826,0.081 C 82.440,0.081 104.825,22.466 104.825,50.080 Z"/>
<!-- <Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="White" Data="F1 M 55.146,74.711 C 41.972,74.711 31.256,63.993 31.256,50.821 C 31.256,42.275 35.873,34.323 43.305,30.073 C 44.939,29.139 47.022,29.706 47.958,31.340 C 48.893,32.974 48.325,35.057 46.691,35.992 C 41.375,39.032 38.074,44.713 38.074,50.821 C 38.074,60.234 45.733,67.893 55.146,67.893 C 64.559,67.893 72.218,60.234 72.218,50.821 C 72.218,44.713 68.916,39.032 63.600,35.992 C 61.966,35.058 61.398,32.975 62.333,31.340 C 63.269,29.705 65.350,29.138 66.986,30.073 C 74.420,34.323 79.036,42.272 79.036,50.821 C 79.036,63.993 68.320,74.711 55.146,74.711 Z M 51.737,24.895 C 51.737,23.012 53.263,21.486 55.146,21.486 C 57.029,21.486 58.555,23.012 58.555,24.895 L 58.555,48.370 C 58.555,50.253 57.029,51.779 55.146,51.779 C 53.263,51.779 51.737,50.253 51.737,48.370 L 51.737,24.895 Z M 55.146,16.008 C 36.498,16.008 21.380,31.125 21.380,49.773 C 21.380,68.421 36.496,83.538 55.146,83.538 C 73.795,83.538 88.912,68.420 88.912,49.772 C 88.912,31.124 73.795,16.008 55.146,16.008 Z"/>
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="Power" Property="Fill" Value="#FF00B400" />
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 82
Try this:
<Style x:Key="PowerButton" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True"/>
<Setter Property="OverridesDefaultStyle" Value="False"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Group>/<Group>/<Path> -->
<Path Name="PowerButtonPath" Fill="#ff147f2e" Data="F1 M 104.825,50.080 C 104.825,77.693 82.440,100.078 54.826,100.078 C 27.213,100.078 4.825,77.693 4.825,50.080 C 4.825,22.466 27.213,0.081 54.826,0.081 C 82.440,0.081 104.825,22.466 104.825,50.080 Z"/>
<!-- Layer 1/<Group>/<Compound Path> -->
<Path Fill="#ffe5e5e5" Data="F1 M 55.146,74.711 C 41.972,74.711 31.256,63.993 31.256,50.821 C 31.256,42.275 35.873,34.323 43.305,30.073 C 44.939,29.139 47.022,29.706 47.958,31.340 C 48.893,32.974 48.325,35.057 46.691,35.992 C 41.375,39.032 38.074,44.713 38.074,50.821 C 38.074,60.234 45.733,67.893 55.146,67.893 C 64.559,67.893 72.218,60.234 72.218,50.821 C 72.218,44.713 68.916,39.032 63.600,35.992 C 61.966,35.058 61.398,32.975 62.333,31.340 C 63.269,29.705 65.350,29.138 66.986,30.073 C 74.420,34.323 79.036,42.272 79.036,50.821 C 79.036,63.993 68.320,74.711 55.146,74.711 Z M 51.737,24.895 C 51.737,23.012 53.263,21.486 55.146,21.486 C 57.029,21.486 58.555,23.012 58.555,24.895 L 58.555,48.370 C 58.555,50.253 57.029,51.779 55.146,51.779 C 53.263,51.779 51.737,50.253 51.737,48.370 L 51.737,24.895 Z M 55.146,16.008 C 36.498,16.008 21.380,31.125 21.380,49.773 C 21.380,68.421 36.496,83.538 55.146,83.538 C 73.795,83.538 88.912,68.420 88.912,49.772 C 88.912,31.124 73.795,16.008 55.146,16.008 Z"/>
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="PowerButtonPath" Property="Opacity" Value=".75" />
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
<Setter TargetName="PowerButtonPath" Property="Opacity" Value=".35" />
<Trigger Property="ButtonBase.IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Path.Fill" TargetName="PowerButtonPath" Value="Red" />
<Trigger Property="ButtonBase.IsPressed" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Path.Fill" TargetName="PowerButtonPath" Value="Yellow" />
Call the button with:
<Button Style="{StaticResource PowerButton}" />
Just set the fill values of red and yellow for what ever you need in mouse over and pressed. The Opacity is just an example, I used them in my origonal button and left those.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 599
Use the IsMouseOver trigger:
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="NameOfPath" Property="Fill" Value="Colour" />
You'll need to name your paths (e.g. <Path x:Name="NameOfPath" />
) and substitute the appropriate colour in
Upvotes: 6