Reputation: 4127
I'm using the example code provided on the Lambda console when I 'encrypt' the environment variables.
I've created a key, and given the Role "kms:Decrypt" permission.
My function times out when trying to "decrypt" the variable, but runs fine when not encrypted. The logs do not provide any errors.
Here is the code used to decrypt:
private String decryptKey(String keyName) {
byte[] encryptedKey = Base64.decode(keyName);
AWSKMS client = AWSKMSClientBuilder.defaultClient();
DecryptRequest request = new DecryptRequest()
ByteBuffer plainTextKey = client.decrypt(request).getPlaintext();
return new String(plainTextKey.array(), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
And it's called like this...
return decryptKey(System.getenv(variableName));
I took this code as is, assuming that, as it runs from within Lambda, the 'defaultClient' knows the region, account, etc.
These are the log lines:
START RequestId: 92419f62-fa84-11e6-876d-99aa85e9b481 Version: $LATEST END RequestId: 92419f62-fa84-11e6-876d-99aa85e9b481 REPORT RequestId: 92419f62-fa84-11e6-876d-99aa85e9b481 Duration: 15001.41 ms > Billed Duration: 15000 ms Memory Size: 512 MB Max Memory Used: 64 MB
2017-02-24T11:30:13.908Z 92419f62-fa84-11e6-876d-99aa85e9b481 Task timed out after 15.00 seconds
If I run without EncryptionHelpers, but still try and unencrypt the variables I get this, which is as expected:
{ "errorMessage": "Input is expected to be encoded in multiple of 4 bytes but found: 13", "errorType": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "stackTrace": [ "com.amazonaws.util.Base64Codec.decode(", "com.amazonaws.util.Base64.decode(", "scripts.Environment.decryptKey(", "scripts.Environment.getEnvVariable(", "scripts.Environment.(", "scripts.CreateNewDatabase.createNewConfigDatabase(", "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)", "sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(", "sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(", "java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(" ] }
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4803
Reputation: 925
kms.decrypt() are api calls which need internet and your issue seems to be a problem of connection to internet of your lambda.
To be sure, you should look into the logs. In this case, you'll find something like
Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
To resolve this issue, you should associate the lambda to a subnet that has access to internet -
a private subnet with a NAT gateway.
You'll find more information in the part "Internet Access for Lambda Functions" of this document
Upvotes: 3