Reputation: 53
I am trying to write a batch file to build some war files based on a template war. I have an input list of names and want to parse the names into variable substrings. The substrings will not always be the same length fyi.
I know the end of the string and want to store the beginning of it in a variable. When i try to cut off the endstring, it cannot read it. It is the last line in this snippet. How can I use a variable here?
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
(for /F "tokens=*" %%d in (themeCompiler/themeList.txt) do (
echo %%d
set dirname=%%d
REM set environment
if not "!dirname!"=="!dirname:DEV=!" (
set env=DEV
if not "!dirname!"=="!dirname:TST=!" (
set env=TST
if not "!dirname!"=="!dirname:PRD=!" (
set env=PRD
echo !env!
REM check which node to use
if not "!dirname!"=="!dirname:admin=!" (
set nodename=admin
if not "!dirname!"=="!dirname:portal=!" (
set nodename=portal
REM build name of theme war
set endString=-!env!-theme-!nodename!
echo endString !endString!
set vpdi=!dirname:LP5-=!
set vpdi2=!vpdi:!endString!=!
From themeList.txt
Upvotes: 0
Views: 59
Use the parsing for /f
@echo off
for /F "tokens=1-4* delims=-" %%A in (themeCompiler/themeList.txt) do (
echo %%A-%%B-%%C-%%D-%%E
echo 1st token = %%A
echo 2nd token vpdi2 = %%B
echo 3rd token env = %%C
echo 4th token = %%D
echo 5th token nodename = %%E
Upvotes: 1