Reputation: 2066
Is there a CSS selector that matches elements that have ANY attribute?
, <p>
, and <h2>
would not match but <div class="important">
, <p align="left">
and <h2 id="rt0">
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1941
Reputation: 723618
There is no such selector.1
Such a selector has been proposed or requested a number of times over the last several years, and out of these the only time someone even bothered to suggest a use case, it's one that has no relevance to CSS at all:
this selector would be useful for debugging purposes in order to verify in complex layouts whether an element has attributes or not (instead of using DOM's hasAttributes() method).
Even if this was your use case (which, like the other threads on www-style, you haven't stated at all in your question), the fact remains that no such selector exists.
1 There is ::attr(*)
, but that selects attribute nodes, not element nodes based on attributes (which, ostensibly, is what the asker is interested in). Completely different things.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1515
As of today (Feb 27 2017), it isn't possible.
Some insane people might go out and list every single official attribute and put it in a CSS rule (JSFiddle). If you can't be bothered to visit that link, here it is:
[aria-activedescendant], [aria-atomic], [aria-controls], [aria-describedby], [aria-dropeffect], [aria-haspopup], [aria-label], [aria-labelledby], [aria-live], [aria-multiselectable], [aria-owns], [aria-readonly], [aria-relevant], [aria-required], [aria-sort], [aria-valuemax], [aria-valuemin], [aria-valuenow], [onabort], [onautocomplete], [onautocompleteerror], [onDOMContentLoaded], [onafterprint], [onafterscriptexecute], [onbeforeprint], [onbeforescriptexecute], [onbeforeunload], [onblur], [oncancel], [onchange], [onclick], [onclose], [onconnect], [oncontextmenu], [onerror], [onfocus], [onhashchange], [oninput], [oninvalid], [onlanguagechange], [onload], [onloadend], [onloadstart], [onmessage], [onoffline], [ononline], [onopen], [onpagehide], [onpageshow], [onpopstate], [onprogress], [onreadystatechange], [onreset], [onselect], [onshow], [onsort], [onstorage], [onsubmit], [ontoggle], [onunload], [onloadeddata], [onloadedmetadata], [oncanplay], [onplaying], [onplay], [oncanplaythrough], [onseeked], [onseeking], [onstalled], [onsuspend], [ontimeupdate], [onvolumechange], [onwaiting], [ondurationchange], [onemptied], [onunhandledrejection], [onrejectionhandled], [onafterprint], [onbeforeprint], [onbeforeunload], [onhashchange], [onlanguagechange], [onpopstate], [onrejectionhandled], [onstorage], [onunhandledrejection], [onunload], [accept], [accept-charset], [accesskey], [action], [align], [alt], [aria], [async], [autocomplete], [autofocus], [autoplay], [autosave], [bgcolor], [border], [buffered], [challenge], [charset], [checked], [cite], [class], [code], [codebase], [color], [cols], [colspan], [content], [contenteditable], [contextmenu], [controls], [coords], [data], [datetime], [default], [defer], [dir], [dirname], [disabled], [download], [draggable], [dropzone], [enctype], [for], [form], [formaction], [headers], [height], [hidden], [high], [href], [hreflang], [http-equiv], [icon], [id], [integrity], [ismap], [itemprop], [keytype], [kind], [label], [lang], [language], [list], [loop], [low], [manifest], [max], [maxlength], [media], [method], [min], [multiple], [muted], [name], [novalidate], [open], [optimum], [pattern], [ping], [placeholder], [poster], [preload], [radiogroup], [readonly], [rel], [required], [reversed], [rows], [rowspan], [sandbox], [scope], [scoped], [seamless], [selected], [shape], [size], [sizes], [slot], [span], [spellcheck], [src], [srcdoc], [srclang], [srcset], [start], [step], [style], [summary], [tabindex], [target], [title], [type], [usemap], [value], [width], [wrap] { ... }
But then again, who'd want that, that's like 2500 characters long.
Even with all that wasted potential gone into attribute research, there are still some things that extensive list doesn't cover, such as custom data-*
attributes or even weird "HTML Microdata" attributes:
? itemtype
? What does that even do?!
So, unfortunately, as of today, you're gonna have to find an alternative solution to whatever problem is in your hands.
Upvotes: 4