Reputation: 542
I have VBA code which executes on mail's reception.
I want to forward a template to the first address found in the mail. I execute a regex to find the email address in the mail, read a html file (the template) and forward it to the email address.
Outlook shuts down after few minutes. I think it is a performance problem. I want to optimize the code and if I can between two executions not read the template two times. Is it possible to store it into a global variable?
Sub GetEmailAndForward(Item As Outlook.MailItem)
' RegExp
Dim mailRegExp As RegExp
' File
Dim FileTemplate As Integer
Dim FileProperties As Integer
' Properties
Dim splitProperty() As String
' Email
Dim DataLine As String
Dim emails As MatchCollection
Dim email As String
Dim forward As Outlook.MailItem
Dim body As String
Dim forwardText As String
' Path
Dim fileTemplatePath As String
Dim dirPath As String
Dim filePropertyPath As String
dirPath = "C:\OutlookVBA"
Set mailRegExp = New RegExp
With mailRegExp
.Pattern = "[\_]*([a-z0-9]+(\.|\_*)?)+@([a-z][a-z0-9\-]+(\.|\-*\.))+[a-z]{2,6}"
.Global = False
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
' Get the template
fileTemplatePath = dirPath & "\template.html"
' Get the email body to analyse
body = Item.body
' Get the first email found
If mailRegExp.Test(body) Then
Set emails = mailRegExp.Execute(body)
If emails.Count > 0 Then
email = emails.Item(0)
Set forward = Item.forward
FileTemplate = FreeFile()
Open fileTemplatePath For Input As #FileTemplate
While Not EOF(FileTemplate)
Line Input #FileTemplate, DataLine
forwardText = forwardText & DataLine
forward.BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
forward.HTMLBody = forwardText & forward.HTMLBody
Close #FileTemplate
If Not IsEmpty(email) Then
forward.Recipients.Add email
forward.subject = "RE:" & Item.subject
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 0
Views: 349
Reputation: 166391
You can use something like this - the function will only read from the file on the first call, and after that will use the text stored in the static variable:
Function GetForWardText(f As String) As String
Static rv As String '<< valuje is maintained between calls
If Len(rv) = 0 Then
rv = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject"). _
opentextfile(f, 1).readall()
End If
ForWardText = rv
End Function
In your code, remove this:
FileTemplate = FreeFile()
Open fileTemplatePath For Input As #FileTemplate
While Not EOF(FileTemplate)
Line Input #FileTemplate, DataLine
forwardText = forwardText & DataLine
and replace with:
forwardText = GetForWardText(fileTemplatePath)
Upvotes: 1