Reputation: 3
I've attempted to run this code multiple times and have had zero luck since I added in the last for loop. Before the error, the vector k wouldn't update so the vector L was the same number repeated.
I can't figure out why I am getting the 'Not enough input arguments' error when it was working fine beforehand.
Any help would be much appreciated!
% Set up parameters of the functions
omega = 2*pi/10; % 1/s
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
h = 20; % m
parms = [omega, g, h];
% Set up the root finding variables
etol = 1e-6; % convergence criteria
iter = 100; % maximum number of iterations
f = @my_fun; % function pointer to my_func
fp = @my_fprime; % function pointer to my_fprime
k0 = kguess(parms); % initial guess for root
% Find the root
[k, error, n_iterations] = newtraph(f, fp, k0, etol, iter, parms);
% Get the wavelength
if n_iterations < iter
% Converged correctly
L = 2 * pi / k;
% Did not converge
disp('ERROR: Maximum number of iterations exceeded')
wave = load('wavedata.dat');
dt = 0.04; %s
%dh = 0.234; %water depth in meters
wave = wave*.01; %covnverts from meters to cm
nw = wave([926:25501],1);
a = length(nw);
t = 0;
spot = 1;
points = zeros(1,100);
for i = 1:a-1
if nw(i) < 0
if nw(i+1) > 0
omega = 2*pi./points; %w
l = length(points);
L = zeros(1,509);
k = zeros(1,509);
for j = 1:l
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
h = 0.234; % m
parms = [omega(j), g, h];
% Set up the root finding variables
etol = 1e-6; % convergence criteria
iter = 100; % maximum number of iterations
f = @my_fun; % function pointer to my_func
fp = @my_fprime; % function pointer to my_fprime
k0(j) = kguess(parms); % initial guess for root
% Find the root
[k(j), error, n_iterations] = newtraph(f, fp, k0(j), etol, iter, parms);
% Get the wavelength
if n_iterations < iter
% Converged correctly
L(j) = 2 * pi / k(j);
% Did not converge
disp('ERROR: Maximum number of iterations exceeded')
function [ f ] = my_fun(k,parms)
%MY_FUN creates a function handle for linear dispersion
% Detailed explanation goes here
w = parms(1) ;
g = parms(2);
h = parms(3);
f = g*k*tanh(k*h)-(w^2);
function [ fp ] = my_fprime(k,parms)
%MY_FPRIME creates a function handle for first derivative of linear
% dispersion.
g = parms(2);
h = parms(3);
% w = 2*pi/10; % 1/s
% g = 9.81; % m/s^2
% h = 20; % m
fp = g*(k*h*((sech(k*h)).^2) + tanh(k*h));
function [ k, error, n_iterations ] = newtraph( f, fp, k0, etol, iterA, parms )
%NEWTRAPH Estimates the value of k using the newton raphson method.
if nargin<3,error('at least 3 input arguments required'),end
if nargin<4|isempty(etol),es=etol;end
if nargin<5|isempty(iterA),maxit=iterA;end
iter = 0;
k = k0;
%func =@f;
%dfunc =@fp;
while (1)
xrold = k;
k = k - f(k)/fp(k);
iter = iter + 1;
if k ~= 0, ea = abs((k - xrold)/k) * 100; end
if ea <= etol | iter >= iterA, break, end
error = ea;
n_iterations = iter;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 103
Reputation: 11072
In function newtraph
at line 106 (second line in the while(1)
loop), you forgot to pass parms
to the function call f
k = k - f(k)/fp(k);
should become
k = k - f(k,parms)/fp(k,parms);
Upvotes: 1