Reputation: 743
I attempting to use the Ranges-V3 library to slice up an container of values into a range of ranges such that neighboring ranges share boundary elements.
Consider the following:
using namespace ranges;
std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 9 };
auto myRanges = v | /* something like adjacent split */
for_each( myRanges, []( auto&& range ){ std::cout << range << std::endl;} );
I would like to divide the range into overlapping subranges based whether the region fullfills two criteria:
Desired output:
my attempt:
auto degenerate =
[]( auto&& arg ){
return distance( arg ) < 2;
auto myRanges = v | view::split(0) | view::remove_if( degenerate );
for_each( myRanges, []( auto&& range ){ std::cout << range << std::endl;} );
I'm at a loss on how I might
Upvotes: 7
Views: 973
Reputation: 62975
If I understand your requirements correctly, you can implement a generator in terms of adjacent_find
namespace detail {
template<typename IterT, typename SentT>
struct seg_gen_fn {
IterT it_;
SentT end_;
bool parity_ = true;
ranges::iterator_range<IterT> operator ()() {
if (it_ == end_) {
return {it_, it_};
auto n = ranges::adjacent_find(
it_, end_,
[p = std::exchange(parity_, !parity_)](auto const a, auto const b) {
return a && !b == p;
return {
std::exchange(it_, n),
n != end_ ? ranges::next(std::move(n)) : std::move(n)
template<typename RngT>
constexpr auto seg_gen(RngT&& rng)
-> seg_gen_fn<ranges::iterator_t<RngT>, ranges::sentinel_t<RngT>>
{ return {ranges::begin(rng), ranges::end(rng)}; }
} // namespace detail
auto const segmented_view = [](auto&& rng) {
return ranges::view::generate(detail::seg_gen(decltype(rng)(rng)))
| ranges::view::take_while([](auto const& seg) { return !seg.empty(); });
int main() {
auto const ns = {1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 9};
ranges::copy(segmented_view(ns), ranges::ostream_iterator<>{std::cout, "\n"});
Online Demo
Not exactly as succinct as one might hope... :-[
That's probably fine for one-off code, but a little more work and it can be a lot more reusable:
namespace detail {
namespace tag = ranges::tag;
typename RngT, typename PredT, typename IterT = ranges::iterator_t<RngT>,
typename StateT = ranges::tagged_compressed_tuple<
tag::begin(IterT), tag::end(ranges::sentinel_t<RngT>),
tag::current(bool), tag::fun(ranges::semiregular_t<PredT>)
struct seg_gen_fn : private StateT {
constexpr seg_gen_fn(RngT&& rng, PredT pred)
: StateT{ranges::begin(rng), ranges::end(rng), true, std::move(pred)}
{ }
ranges::iterator_range<IterT> operator ()() {
StateT& state = *this;
auto& it = state.begin();
if (it == state.end()) {
return {it, it};
auto& parity = state.current();
auto n = ranges::adjacent_find(
it, state.end(),
[p = std::exchange(parity, !parity), &pred =]
(auto const& a, auto const& b) {
return !pred(a) && pred(b) == p;
return {
std::exchange(it, n),
n != state.end() ? ranges::next(std::move(n)) : std::move(n)
template<typename RngT, typename PredT>
constexpr seg_gen_fn<RngT, PredT> seg_gen(RngT&& rng, PredT pred) {
return {std::forward<RngT>(rng), std::move(pred)};
} // namespace detail
auto const segmented_view = [](auto&& rng, auto pred) {
return ranges::view::generate(detail::seg_gen(decltype(rng)(rng), std::move(pred)))
| ranges::view::take_while([](auto const& seg) { return !seg.empty(); });
int main() {
auto const ns = {1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0, 9};
segmented_view(ns, [](auto const n) { return n == 0; }),
ranges::ostream_iterator<>{std::cout, "\n"}
Concept checking and projections are left as an exercise.
Upvotes: 4