Reputation: 1897
I'm attempting to write some code that groups holidays together and creates a unique ID for each grouping. The trouble i'm having is creating the groups to know that they belong together.
By default if someone requests a week off the 5 days will get a specific ID (ie 223). So there would be a holiday instance of 5 days with ID 223 and I can get start and end date easy enough.
But if someone decides to book a Friday off (ID 224) and then ask for Wednesday and Thursday off (ID 228) and then asks for the following Monday off (ID 230) I then have 3 separate instances that are actually one holiday and here is where I need to group them together and ignore a weekend.
I've tried variations of DENSE_RANK OVER PARTION
however I cannot get it to return the figure i need.
Sample data and desired output
SELECT '01-March-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'01-March-2017') AS Dw, 223 AS ID_Field, 1000 AS HolidayID
SELECT '02-March-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'02-March-2017') AS Dw, 223, 1000
SELECT '03-March-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'03-March-2017') AS Dw, 223, 1000
SELECT '24-March-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'24-March-2017') AS Dw, 230 , 1001
SELECT '27-March-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'27-March-2017') AS Dw, 235, 1001
SELECT '20-Sep-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'20-Sep-2017') AS Dw, 224, 1002
SELECT '27-Sep-2017' AS HolidayDate, DATEPART(WK,'27-Sep-2017') AS Dw, 228, 1003
So the above creates an example, the HolidayID is the desired column output (numbers chosen at random for sample). the ID field is the number generated when the holiday request is submitted.
As you can see the 223 request came in completed and has the same ID so i can select MAX(Date) and get the desired result grouping by ID_Field.
230 and 235 came in separately but are the same holiday period (as a continual holiday) so I need to group these with the same ID.
finally 225 an 228 are completely separate requests so need unique numbers.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 62
Reputation: 44991
When LAG is not supported
with Holidays
select row_number() over (order by HolidayDate) as n
from mytable
select h.HolidayDate
when not
datediff (day,p.HolidayDate,h.holidayDate) = 1
or ( datediff (day,p.HolidayDate,h.HolidayDate) = 3
and datename (dw,p.HolidayDate) = 'Friday'
then 1
) over (order by h.HolidayDate) + 1 as Holiday_id
from Holidays as h
left join Holidays as p
on p.n = h.n - 1
order by h.HolidayDate
When LAG is supported
select HolidayDate
,count(is_gap) over (order by HolidayDate) + 1 as holiday_id
from (select HolidayDate
when not
datediff (day,prev_HolidayDate,HolidayDate) = 1
or ( datediff (day,prev_HolidayDate,HolidayDate) = 3
and datename (dw,prev_HolidayDate) = 'Friday'
then 1
end as is_gap
from (select HolidayDate
,lag(HolidayDate) over (order by HolidayDate) as prev_HolidayDate
from mytable
) t
) t
order by HolidayDate
| HolidayDate | holiday_id |
| 2017-03-01 | 1 |
| 2017-03-02 | 1 |
| 2017-03-03 | 1 |
| 2017-03-24 | 2 |
| 2017-03-27 | 2 |
| 2017-09-20 | 3 |
| 2017-09-27 | 4 |
Upvotes: 2