Reputation: 979
I am new in iOS and I am facing problem regarding to get the information of current city of user and I also need user current latitude and longitude when I click on mycurrenLocation button.
As in the image when I click on this current location button I need the information of current latitude and longitude and also the name of current city. Is it is possible? If yes the how to do this?
Thanks in advance!
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if you tapped the My location button
the following delegate method will call
- (BOOL) didTapMyLocationButtonForMapView: (GMSMapView *) mapView
and you get the output as
And you can get location by
(lldb) po mapView.myLocation
<+37.33243033,-122.03088128> +/- 386.93m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 5/19/14, 6:22:28 PM Moscow Standard Time
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check this code
Import CoreLocation framework in .h File
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
.m file
@interface yourViewController : UIViewController<CLLocationManagerDelegate>
CLLocationManager *locationManager;
CLLocation *currentLocation;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self currentlocation];
locationManager = [CLLocationManager new];
locationManager.delegate = self;
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest;
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
Step 5: Get location using this method
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
currentLocation = [locations objectAtIndex:0];
[locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
CLGeocoder *geocoder = [[CLGeocoder alloc] init] ;
[geocoder reverseGeocodeLocation:currentLocation completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
if (!(error))
CLPlacemark *placemark = [placemarks objectAtIndex:0];
NSLog(@"\nCurrent Location Detected\n");
NSLog(@"placemark %@",placemark);
NSString *locatedAt = [[placemark.addressDictionary valueForKey:@"FormattedAddressLines"] componentsJoinedByString:@", "];
NSString *Address = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:locatedAt];
NSString *Area = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:placemark.locality];
NSString *Country = [[NSString alloc]];
NSString *CountryArea = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", Area,Country];
NSLog(@"Geocode failed with error %@", error);
NSLog(@"\nCurrent Location Not Detected\n");
CountryArea = NULL;
/*---- For more results
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Reputation: 110
You can use CoreLocation to get the longitude and latitude.
#import <CoreLocation/CoreLocation.h>
CLLocationManager *locationManager;
- (void)viewDidLoad
locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone;
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters;
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
float latitude = locationManager.location.coordinate.latitude;
float longitude = locationManager.location.coordinate.longitude;
And pass the lattitude and logitude into google location api you will get the street name.
Also check This link:
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Reputation: 685
You can get location from didUpdateToLocation
is called and then use geocoding method to get location
// this delegate is called when location is found
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
// an MKReverseGeocoder is created to find a placemark coordinates
MKReverseGeocoder *geoCoder = [[MKReverseGeocoder alloc] initWithCoordinate:newLocation.coordinate];
geoCoder.delegate = self;
[geoCoder start];
// this delegate is called to convert into placemakrk
- (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFindPlacemark:(MKPlacemark *)placemark
MKPlacemark * myPlacemark = placemark;
// we are now retrieving the city name
NSString *city = [myPlacemark.addressDictionary objectForKey: (NSString*) kABPersonAddressCityKey];
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