
Reputation: 1624

Specifying a non-linear relation between random effects in R

I'm working with multilevel models to try and describe different patterns in longitudinal change. Dingemanse et al (2010) describe a 'fanning out' pattern when the random effects are perfectly correlated. However I found that a similar pattern occurs when the relationship between random effects is non-linear but monotonically increasing over the observed interval. In this case random effects are not perfectly correlated but described by a function. See example below for an illustration of this. The example still has a high intercept-slope correlation (>.9) but it is possible to get correlations lower than .7 while still maintaining a perfect intercept-slope relation.

My question: Is there a way to include a perfect (non-linear) relationship between random effects in a multilevel model using nlme or some other R package? MLwiN has a way to constrain the slope-intercept covariance, that would be a start but is not sufficient to include non-linear relations. I've been unable to find solutions for nlme so far, but maybe you know of some other package that can include this in the model.

Apologies for the sloppy coding. I hope that my question is sufficiently clear but let me know if anything needs to be clarified. Any help or alternative solution is greatly appreciated.


# Change function, quadratic
# Yit = B0ij + B1ij*time + B2ij*time^2
chn <- function(int, slp, slp2, time){
  score<-int + slp * time+ slp2 * time^2 

# Set N, random intercept, time and ID
start<-rnorm(N,100,15) # Random intercept
time<- matrix(1:15,ncol = 15, nrow = 100,byrow = T) # Time, balanced panel data
ID<-1:N # ID variable

# Random intercept, linear slope: exp(intercept/25)/75, quadratic slope: exp(intercept/25)/250 
score3<-matrix(NA,ncol = ncol(time), nrow = N)
for(x in ID){

#Create dataframe
df<- data.frame(ID,score3)
df2<- melt(df,id = 'ID')

# plot
ggplot(df2, aes(x= variable, y= value)) + geom_line(aes(group = ID)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2), se =F, size = 2, col ="red" )

# Add noise and estimate model
df2$value2<-df2$value + rnorm(N*ncol(time),0,2)

# Random intercept
mod1<-lme(value2 ~ variable + I(variable^2),
          random= list(ID = ~1),

# Random slopes
mod2<-update(mod1,.~.,random= list(ID = ~variable + I(variable^2)))


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Views: 763

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1624

Based on the suggestion by @MattTyers I had a go with a Bayesian approach using rjags. It's a first attempt on simulated data with a known relation between the random effects but seems to yield accurate estimates (better then the nlme model). I am still a bit worried about the Gelman convergence diagnostic and how to apply this solution to actual data. However, I figured I'd post my answer in case someone is working on the same problem.

library(ggplot2); library(reshape2)
# Set new dataset

# New dataset to separate random and fixed
N<-100              # Number of respondents
int<-100            # Fixed effect intercept
U0<-rnorm(N,0,15)   # Random effect intercept
slp_lin<-1          # Fixed effect linear slope
slp_qua<-.25        # Fixed effect quadratic slope
ID<- 1:100          # ID numbers
U1<-exp(U0/25)/7.5  # Random effect linear slope
U2<-exp(U0/25)/25   # Random effect quadratic slope
times<-15           # Max age
err <- matrix(rnorm(N*times,0,2),ncol = times, nrow = N) # Residual term
age <- 1:15         # Ages

# Create matrix of 'math' scores using model
math<-matrix(NA,ncol = times, nrow = N)

for(i in ID){

  for(j in age){

math[i,j] <- (int + U0[i]) + 
  (slp_lin + U1[i])*age[j] + 
  (slp_qua + U2[i])*(age[j]^2) + 


# Melt dataframe and plot scores
names(e.long) <- c("ID","age","math")
ggplot(e.long,aes(x= age, y= math)) + geom_line(aes(group = ID))

# Create dataframe for rjags
lapply(dat , summary)


# Model with uninformative priors

#Model, fixed effect age and random intercept-slope connected
for( i in 1:n)
  math[i]~dnorm(mu[i], sigm.inv)
  mu[i]<-(b[1] + u[childnum[i],1]) + (b[2]+ u[childnum[i],2]) * age[i] + 
  (b[3]+ u[childnum[i],3]) * (age[i]^2) 

#Random slopes
for (j in 1:nkids)
  u[j, 1] ~ dnorm(0, tau.a)
  u[j, 2] <- exp(u[j,1]/25)/7.5
  u[j, 3] <- exp(u[j,1]/25)/25

#Priors on fixed intercept and slope priors
b[1] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1.0E-5)
b[2] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1.0E-5)
b[3] ~ dnorm(0.0, 1.0E-5)

# Residual variance priors
sigm.inv ~ dgamma(1.5, 0.001)# precision of math[i]
sigm<- pow(sigm.inv, -1/2)   # standard deviation

# Varying intercepts, varying slopes priors
tau.a ~ dgamma(1.5, 0.001)
sigma.a<-pow(tau.a, -1/2)

#Initialize the model
mod_rnk<-jags.model(file=textConnection(model_rnk), data=dat, n.chains=2 )

#burn in 
update(mod_rnk, 5000)

#collect samples of the parameters
samps_rnk<-coda.samples(mod_rnk, variable.names=c( "b","sigma.a", "sigm"), n.iter=5000, n.thin=1)

#Numerical summary of each parameter:

gelman.diag(samps_rnk,  multivariate = F)

# nlme model
Stab_rnk2<-lme(math ~ age + I(age^2),
               random= list(ID = ~age + I(age^2)),

The outcome looks very close to the population values

1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
   plus standard error of the mean:

                Mean       SD  Naive SE Time-series SE
    b[1]    100.7409 0.575414 5.754e-03      0.1065523
    b[2]      0.9843 0.052248 5.225e-04      0.0064052
    b[3]      0.2512 0.003144 3.144e-05      0.0003500
    sigm      1.9963 0.037548 3.755e-04      0.0004056
    sigma.a  16.9322 1.183173 1.183e-02      0.0121340

And the nlme estimates are far worse (with the exception of the random intercept)

Random effects:
 Formula: ~age + I(age^2) | ID
 Structure: General positive-definite, Log-Cholesky parametrization
            StdDev      Corr        
(Intercept) 16.73626521 (Intr) age  
age          0.13152688 0.890       
I(age^2)     0.03752701 0.924  0.918
Residual     1.99346015             

Fixed effects: math ~ age + I(age^2) 
                Value Std.Error   DF  t-value p-value
(Intercept) 103.85896 1.6847051 1398 61.64816       0
age           1.15741 0.0527874 1398 21.92586       0
I(age^2)      0.30809 0.0048747 1398 63.20204       0

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