Reputation: 104145
How do you call optional protocol methods?
@protocol Foo
- (void) doA;
- (void) doB;
Now we have to check each time we want to call doA
or doB
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(doA)])
[delegate performSelector:@selector(doA)];
That’s just silly. I’ve come up with a category on NSObject
that adds:
- (void) performSelectorIfSupported: (SEL) selector
if ([self respondsToSelector:selector])
[self performSelector:selector];
…which is not that much better. Do you have a smarter solution, or do you just put up with the conditionals before each call?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 6957
Reputation: 10474
The problem with a category for this is that it automatically holds for all calls on NSObject. I would solve it with a macro like the following:
#define BM_PERFORM_IF_RESPONDS(x) { @try { (x); } @catch (NSException *e) { if (![ isEqual:NSInvalidArgumentException]) @throw e; }}
To be used as follows:
id <SomeProtocol> delegate = ...;
//Call the optional protocol method
BM_PERFORM_IF_RESPONDS( [delegate doOptionalProtocolMethod:arg] );
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 299683
Your category is ok, but extremely inflexible. Delegate callbacks should almost always include at least one parameter (the calling object), and your approach doesn't allow for parameters. Delegate methods also often return values, and this approach doesn't allow for that either.
As Stephen noted, the correct code should not use performSelector:
, but rather just call the method directly. This has the advantage of compile-time checking for typos, particularly if coupled with the "Undeclared Selector" warning option (GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR), which I highly recommend.
If the typing is a problem, then a solution is a trampoline. The problem is that trampolines are dramatically slower than just making the method call, but they are convenient. For instance, here's an example of what you're talking about. (I haven't tested this; it's stripped down from a more complicated one I use for sending messages to multiple delegates, where this is more worth it).
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@interface RNDelegateTrampoline : NSObject {
id delegate_;
Protocol *protocol_;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, assign) id delegate;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) Protocol *protocol;
- (id)initWithProtocol:(Protocol *)aProtocol delegate:(id)aDelegate;
@implementation RNDelegateTrampoline
- (id)initWithProtocol:(Protocol *)aProtocol delegate:(id)aDelegate {
if ((self = [super init])) {
protocol_ = [aProtocol retain];
delegate_ = aDelegate;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[protocol_ release], protocol_ = nil;
delegate_ = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector
// Look for a required method
struct objc_method_description desc = protocol_getMethodDescription(self.protocol, selector, YES, YES);
if ( == NULL) {
// Maybe it's optional
desc = protocol_getMethodDescription(self.protocol, selector, NO, YES);
if ( == NULL) {
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:selector]; // Raises NSInvalidArgumentException
return nil;
else {
return [NSMethodSignature signatureWithObjCTypes:desc.types];
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation {
if ([[self delegate] respondsToSelector:[invocation selector]]) {
[invocation invokeWithTarget:[self delegate]];
@synthesize delegate = delegate_;
@synthesize protocol = protocol_;
You'd then use it like this:
@property (nonatomic, readwrite, retain) id delegateTramp;
self.delegateTramp = [[[RNDelegateTrampoline alloc] initWithProtocol:@protocol(ThisObjectDelegate) delegate:aDelegate] autorelease];
[self.delegateTramp thisObject:self didSomethingWith:x];
Note that we've used id
rather than RNDelegateTrampoline
as the type of our delegate trampoline. This is important or else you will get compiler warnings for everything you try to send to it. Declaring it as an id
overcomes that. Of course it also throws away compile-time warnings if you pass unknown methods to your delegate. You'll still get a run-time exception, though.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 52575
I'm not completely sure that I understand your objection to be honest. As far as I can see the code does exactly what you'd expect for an optional method and does it with very little extra verbiage. I don't think your category makes your intent any clearer.
The only change to your first option would be to do it like this:
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(doA)])
[delegate doA];
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 11232
How about an NSObject category that intercepts the invocation? Using MAObjCRuntime, it would look something like this:
- (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)anInvocation
id target = [anInvocation target];
SEL selector = [anInvocation selector];
for(RTProtocol *protocol in [[target class] rt_protocols])
// check optional instance methods
NSArray *methods = [protocol methodsRequired:NO instance:YES];
for (RTMethod *method in methods)
if ([method selector] == selector)
// NSLog(@"target %@'s protocol %@ contains selector %@", target, protocol, NSStringFromSelector(selector));
// just drop the invocation
// selector does not seem to be part of any optional protocol
// use default NSObject implementation:
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector:selector];
You could easily add checking for incorporated protocols and whatnot, but for the stated case, this should already work.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 42942
Your second option is equivalent to making the optional method required, and then writing a null implementation of it.
The first method is the correct one. Optional methods are optional for a reason, and your calling code might want to do something different if they are not available.
Upvotes: 3