William Cole
William Cole

Reputation: 1

My python script doesn't work completely to send emails when a button is pressed

Howdy and good afternoon. I am pretty much a NOOB on with programming. I had a friend help me with a python script that when the button is pressed it will turn an led on and send an email message. When the button is pressed and held for more than 2 seconds and released it is supposed to turn the led of and send a separate email. The first "normal" email sends everytime even when the button is pressed and held, but the "Important" email doesn't send, however the led does turn off. I am running Ubuntu Mate on a Raspberry PI 3 Here is part of the script.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import smtplib
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import datetime

body = "Email message"
sender = "Room 202 Help"
subject = "Room 202 Help Button"
to = ""
stmpAddress = "smtp.gmail.com"
username = ""
password = ""
normalBody = "Help needed in room 202"
importantBody = "Request Canceled Room 202"
ledPin = 23
buttonPin = 18
importantPress = 2 #seconds


GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) #makes the pin stay high another words it is set to about 3 volts
GPIO.setup(ledPin, GPIO.OUT) #makes the pin be an output

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = sender
msg['To'] = to
msg['Subject'] = subject

while True:
    buttonPress = GPIO.input(buttonPin)
    if buttonPress == False: #is the pin low?
        GPIO.output(ledPin,GPIO.HIGH)#turn on the led
        print('Button Pressed')#Yes it is low meaning it was shorted to ground
        buttonPressStart = datetime.datetime.now() #Time the button got pressed
        while GPIO.input(buttonPin) == False: # while it is still low
            time.sleep(0.1)#stay here till they let go of the button
        buttonPressEnd = datetime.datetime.now() # time the button was let go

        diff = buttonPressEnd - buttonPressStart#the differnce of when the button got pressed and let go, duration on button press

        if diff > datetime.timedelta(seconds = importantPress):
            msg.attach(MIMEText(importantBody, 'plain'))
            GPIO.output(ledPin,GPIO.LOW)#turn off the led if it's on
            msg.attach(MIMEText(normalBody, 'plain'))

        server = smtplib.SMTP(stmpAddress, 587)
        server.login(username, password)
        server.sendmail(username, to, msg.as_string())
        server.quit()#email sent

    time.sleep(0.01)#sleep a short time so to not eat all resources

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Views: 77

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3288

Going off an answer posted on the Raspberry Pi forum, you can see how long a button was pressed as such:

while True:
    GPIO.wait_for_edge(PIN, GPIO.FALLING)
    print "Pressed"
    start = time.time()

    while GPIO.input(PIN) == GPIO.LOW:
    length = time.time() - start
    print length

Upvotes: 1

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