
Reputation: 23374

Using Azure Mobile App to authenticate Nancy

I see that I can add Nancy to my Azure Mobile App. but how can I add the authentication for Nancy? The goal here is to be able to have both a web app and a mobile app using the same server.

Goal: If Nancy page requires authentication, jump to ~/.auth/login/aad (for example), then return to the originating page.

Where I am:

  1. Created new Azure Mobile App ASP.NET application
  2. Added Nancy
  3. Remove default MobileAppConfig and replace with

        new MobileAppConfiguration()
                new MobileAppTableConfiguration()
  4. Create an IndexModule and confirm that Nancy works

    public IndexModule()
        Get["/"] = _ => "Hello";
  5. Create an AdminModule, RequiresAuthentication comes after installing Nancy.Authentication.Forms

    public AdminModule()
        : base("admin")
        Get["/"] = _ =>
            return "This is admin";
  6. Probably the wrong thing to do, but I have

    protected override void ConfigureRequestContainer(TinyIoCContainer container, NancyContext context)
        base.ConfigureRequestContainer(container, context);
        container.Register<IUserMapper, UserMapper>();
    protected override void RequestStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines, NancyContext context)
        base.RequestStartup(container, pipelines, context);
        var formsAuthConfig = new FormsAuthenticationConfiguration
            RedirectUrl = "~/.auth/login/aad",
            UserMapper = container.Resolve<IUserMapper>(),
        FormsAuthentication.Enable(pipelines, formsAuthConfig);

This sends the user to the right auth page, but when zumo returns it (1) returns to a callback with token, and (2) gives a link to "website" that is the main site, rather than the returnUrl, and (3) still doesn't really work.

Update. Looks like Nancy.Forms.Authentication is a deadend on this. Can I use UseCookieAuthentication from Owin.Security?

Update2. I got rid of Nancy.Forms.Authentication. It looks like when Zumo finishes authenticating, the owin server.user is actually set.

    protected override void ApplicationStartup(TinyIoCContainer container, IPipelines pipelines)
        base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);


    private Response FlowPrincipal(NancyContext context)
        var env = Get<IDictionary<string, object>>(context.Items, NancyMiddleware.RequestEnvironmentKey);
        if (env != null)
            var principal = Get<IPrincipal>(env, "server.User") as ClaimsPrincipal;
            if (principal != null)
                context.CurrentUser = new ClaimsPrincipalUserIdentity(principal);

        return null;

Will give a valid useable user. How to trigger login and redirect is another question though.

Update3. I was able to force login using the setting in Azure

enter image description here

And surprisingly this also takes care of the redirect. Not sure how it affects SignalR/Zumo tables, but hopefully it will be able to check for the header and not force login on those.

Upvotes: 6

Views: 173

Answers (1)

Adrian Hall
Adrian Hall

Reputation: 8035

The blog post you reference is for Azure Mobile Services, not Azure Mobile Apps.

Check out chapter 6 of my book - It explicitly shows you how to handle App Service Authentication for a variety of platforms. Nancy isn't one of them directly, but the MVC version should assist you there.

Upvotes: 1

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