Reputation: 61
I'm attempting to insert a byte or byte array into Sql Server table using Python 3.5 and the pymssql package. I keep getting a pymssql.ProgrammingError
after attempting to insert.
I've used the following link and question as a reference but I'm still having trouble:
Explicit Convert of Varbinary(max) column
Insert binary file into MSSQL db (varbinary) with python pymssql
I've verified I have permission and can insert other data types into the sql server database. Below is the table structure.
sql_cursor = m_sql_conn.cursor()
byte_test_01 = b'This is a byte test'
hex_01 = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(byte_test_01)
string_sql_insert = "INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id, \
Covert(varbinary(max), obj_cluster_empty)) \
VALUES('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," + hex_01 + ')'
hex_01 = b'0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'
sql_cursor = m_sql_conn.cursor()
byte_test_01 = b'This is a byte test'
hex_01 = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(byte_test_01)
list_insert_many = [('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1', hex_01)]
string_sql_insert = "INSERT INTO \
CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id,Covert(varbinary(max), obj_cluster_empty)) \
VALUES (%s,%b)"
sql_cursor.executemany(str_sql_statement, list_insert_many)
hex_01 = b'0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'
I take out the CONVERT() function and...
sql_cursor = m_sql_conn.cursor()
byte_test_01 = b'This is a byte test'
hex_01 = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(byte_test_01)
string_sql_insert = "INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id,obj_cluster_empty) \
VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," \
+ hex_01 + ')'
hex_01 = b'0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'
I'm missing something but I don't know what. I definitely need some help here.
Below is my complete code in a test method:
def Test():
# lists
list_sql_insert_data_type = ['%s', '%b']
list_return = list()
# variables
string_sql_table = r'CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
str_sql_error = ''
user = r'user_me'
host = r'server_me'
pswd = r'pswd_me'
db_name = r'db_me'
bool_insert_into_table = False
# sql connection
list_sql_conn = SqlMethods.SqlGenConnection(user, host, pswd, db_name)
sql_cursor = list_sql_conn[1].cursor()
# byte test variables
byte_test_01 = b'This is a byte test'
hex_01 = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(byte_test_01)
# create insert string
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + string_sql_table
string_sql_insert += '(string_cluster_id, CONVERT(varbinary(max), obj_cluster_empty)) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," + "'" + str(hex_01) + "'" + ')'
# explicit string conversation of hex_01
string_hex_01 = "'" + str(hex_01) + "'"
# take out the CONVERT() statement
#string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + string_sql_table
#string_sql_insert += '(string_cluster_id, obj_cluster_empty) '
#string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," + "'" + str(hex_01) + "'" + ')'
except pymssql.OperationalError:
str_sql_error = 'Operational error was raised'
except pymssql.ProgrammingError:
str_sql_error = 'A program error was raised.'
except pymssql.Error:
str_sql_error = 'General error raised.'
except pymssql.DatabaseError:
str_sql_error = 'Database error raised.'
except pymssql.DataError:
str_sql_error = 'Data error raised.'
except pymssql.IntegrityError:
str_sql_error = 'Integrity error raised.'
except pymssql.InterfaceError:
str_sql_error = 'Interface error raised.'
except pymssql.InternalError:
str_sql_error = 'Internal error raised.'
except pymssql.NotSupportedError:
str_sql_error = 'Not supported error raised.'
except pymssql.StandardError:
str_sql_error = 'Standard error raised.'
bool_insert_into_table = True
# return list
return list_return
I tried what you recommended initially and I received and error, "unable to implicitly convert byte to string" as a result I explicitly converted it to a string.
instead of a pymssql.ProgrammingError in getting a pymssql.OperationalError.
if I take out the CONVERT() function I get a pymssql.ProgrammingError
hex_01 = 0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374
string_hex_01 = "'" + str(hex_01) + "'" = 'b'0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374''
string_sql_insert = INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(string_cluster_id,
CONVERT(varbinary(max), obj_cluster_empty)) VALUES
Should this be string_hex_01 be:
string_hex_01 = str(hex_01)[1:] = '0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'
this also gives a pymssql.OperationalError
I verified that I am able to insert into the database and table. Mental note: make sure I have my column names correct (str_cluster_id vice string_cluster_id). I'm still getting a pymssql.OperationalError. How does the CONVERT() function fit into this. If I take it out I get a pymssql.ProgrammingError.
verified sql insert works:
# test insert into string_cluster_id
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + string_sql_table
string_sql_insert += ' (str_cluster_id) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1')"
string_cluster_table = r'CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
attempted to insert the below string:
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
string_sql_insert += '(obj_cluster_empty) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374')"
Success!! Below is what worked.
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
string_sql_insert += '(obj_cluster_empty) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES (CONVERT(varbinary(max), '0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'))"
successful insert into varbinary(max) column will post other updates as I find what else will work and what won't
In order to understand how I was able to realize where my error was I took a round about path. I rewrote my test method using the _mssql package and took advantage of the exception handleing as directed in the documentation at _
The key for me was to realize how to use the exception handling as an object, e.g.:
except _mssql.MSSQLDatabaseException as db_e:
str_sql_error = 'mssql database error raised'
exc_db_number = db_e.number
exc_db_msg = db_e.message
db_e.text gave me this message:
Implicit conversion from data type varchar to varbinary(max) is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.DB-Lib error message 20018, severity 16: General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server.
this lead me to change where I needed the CONVERT() function to convert the data vice trying to convert the column in the destination database in which it is already a varbinary(max) column.
The insert string that worked is:
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
string_sql_insert += '(obj_cluster_empty) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES (CONVERT(varbinary(max), '0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'))"
I was an 'idiot' and didn't ensure my column variables are correct. Make sure you do that before you post. It will help a lot.
Use the exception handling as an object. It will help you trouble shoot where your errors are. If you're getting back into development / coding after over a decade of absence this will help.
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't find an answer that fits what you're trying to accomplish. I found two references but I couldn't make the connection. Somebody will help you as evidence by this question.
Be as detailed and specific as possible when asking for help. I could've done better at posting my exact test code originally. It probably wouldn't speed up the process.
Below is the final version of the test method that works to insert a binary piece of data into a varbinary(max) column in Microsoft Sql Server.
def Test_01():
# lists
list_sql_insert_data_type = ['%s', '%b']
list_return = list()
# variables
string_sql_table = r'CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
str_sql_error = ''
user = r'user_me'
host = r'server_me'
pswd = r'pswd_me'
db_name = r'db_me'
bool_insert_into_table = False
# sql connection
list_sql_conn = SqlMethods.SqlGenConnection(user, host, pswd, db_name)
sql_cursor = list_sql_conn[1].cursor()
# _mssql connection
_mssql_conn = _mssql.connect(server = host, user = user, password = pswd, database = db_name)
# byte test variables
byte_test_01 = b'This is a byte test'
hex_01 = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(byte_test_01)
# explicit string conversion of hex_01
string_hex_01 = "'" + str(hex_01) + "'"
string_hex_02 = str(hex_01)[1:]
# create insert string
#string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
#string_sql_insert += '(str_cluster_id, obj_cluster_empty) '
#string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1','0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374')"
# sucess!! below insert works
string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs'
string_sql_insert += '(obj_cluster_empty) '
string_sql_insert += "VALUES (CONVERT(varbinary(max), '0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374'))"
# test insert into string_cluster_id
#string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + string_sql_table
#string_sql_insert += ' (str_cluster_id) '
#string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1')"
# take out the CONVERT() statement
#string_sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO ' + string_sql_table
#string_sql_insert += '(str_cluster_id, obj_cluster_empty) '
#string_sql_insert += "VALUES ('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," + "'" + str(hex_01) + "'" + ')'
except pymssql.OperationalError as oe:
str_sql_error = 'Operational error was raised'
except pymssql.ProgrammingError:
str_sql_error = 'A program error was raised.'
except pymssql.Error:
str_sql_error = 'General error raised.'
except pymssql.DatabaseError:
str_sql_error = 'Database error raised.'
except pymssql.DataError:
str_sql_error = 'Data error raised.'
except pymssql.IntegrityError:
str_sql_error = 'Integrity error raised.'
except pymssql.InterfaceError:
str_sql_error = 'Interface error raised.'
except pymssql.InternalError:
str_sql_error = 'Internal error raised.'
except pymssql.NotSupportedError:
str_sql_error = 'Not supported error raised.'
except pymssql.StandardError:
str_sql_error = 'Standard error raised.'
bool_insert_into_table = True
# return list
return list_return
Upvotes: 3
Views: 8356
Reputation: 1
insert_sql = "INSERT INTO [collecttest].[dbo].[Table_1]([c1],[c2]) VALUES (%s, %s)"
with open("../data/tpc-ds_ER.png", 'rb') as f:
bdata =
# hdata ='hex') # only python2
# hdata =
# hdata = binascii.hexlify(bdata) #
values = [
(pymssql.Binary(bdata), pymssql.Binary(bdata)),
(pymssql.Binary(bdata), pymssql.Binary(bdata)),
cursor.executemany(insert_sql, values)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2650
Try to modify your string_sql_insert to:
string_sql_insert = "INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id, \
CONVERT(varbinary(max), obj_cluster_empty)) \
VALUES('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1'," + "'" + hex_01 + "'"')'
You are inserting this:
INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id, obj_cluster_empty) VALUES('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1',0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374)
Instead of this:
INSERT INTO CPBB_DevClusterObjs(str_cluster_id, obj_cluster_empty) VALUES('BatchKm|20|k-means++|1','0x54686973206973206120627974652074657374')
If you look at VALUES you will see why it is throwing an error.
According to
def insert_and_select(self, cname, value, vartype, params_as_dict=False):
vartype is 's'
def test_binary_string(self):
bindata = '{z\n\x03\x07\x194;\x034lE4ISo'.encode('ascii')
testval = '0x'.encode('ascii') + binascii.hexlify(bindata)
colval = self.insert_and_select('data_binary', testval, 's')
self.typeeq(bindata, colval)
eq_(bindata, colval)
Upvotes: 2