Reputation: 2227
I've got a file of CSS elements, and I'm trying to check for any duplicate CSS elements,.. then output the lines that show the dupe lines.
###Test ###ABC ###test ##.hello ##.ABC ##.test
& ##.ABC
already exists in the list, and I'd like a way to output the lines that are used in the file, basically duplication checking (case sensitive). So using the above list, I would generate something like this..
Line 1: ###Test Line 7: Line 8: Line 5: ##.ABC Line 9:
Something in bash, or maybe perl?
Thanks :)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 605
Reputation: 360683
This seems to work:
sort -t '#' -k 2 inputfile
It groups them by the part after the # characters:
If you only want to see the unique values:
sort -t '#' -k 2 -u inputfile
This pretty closely duplicates the example output in the question (it relies on some possibly GNU-specific features):
cat -n inputfile |
sed 's/^ *\([0-9]\)/Line \1:/' |
sort -t '#' -k 2 |
awk -F '#+' '{if (! seen[$2]) { \
if ( count > 1) printf "%s\n", lines; \
count = 0; \
lines = "" \
}; \
seen[$2] = 1; \
lines = lines "\n" $0; ++count}
END {if (count > 1) print lines}'
Line 5: ##.ABC
Line 9:
Line 1: ###Test
Line 7:
Line 8:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 15780
I've been challenged by your problem, so I wrote you a script. Hope you liked it. :)
use strict;
use warnings;
sub loadf($);
my @file = loadf("style.css");
my @inner = @file;
my $l0 = 0; my $l1 = 0; my $l2 = 0; my $dc = 0; my $tc;
foreach my $line (@file) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
foreach my $iline (@inner) {
$iline =~ s/^\s+//;
$iline =~ s/\s+$//;
next if ($iline eq $line);
if ($iline =~ /\b$line\b/) {
if ($dc > 0) {
if ($l0 == 0) {
print "Line " . $l1 . ": " . $line . "\n";
print "Line " . $l2 . ": " . $iline . "\n";
print "\n" unless($dc == 0);
$dc = 0; $l0 = 0; $l2 = 0;
sub loadf($) {
my @file = ( );
open(FILE, $_[0] . "\n") or die("Couldn't Open " . $_[0] . "\n");
@file = <FILE>;
return @file;
This does exactly what you need. And sorry if it's a bit messy.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 40152
Here is one way to do it, which is fairly easy to extend to multiple files if need be.
With this file
use warnings;
use strict;
my @lines;
while (<>) { # read input lines
s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; # trim whitespace
push @lines, {data => $_, line => $.} if $_ # store useful data
@lines = sort {length $$a{data} <=> length $$b{data}} @lines; # shortest first
while (@lines) {
my ($line, @found) = shift @lines;
my $re = qr/\Q$$line{data}\E$/; # search token
@lines = grep { # extract matches from @lines
not $$_{data} =~ $re && push @found, $_
} @lines;
if (@found) { # write the report
print "line $$_{line}: $$_{data}\n" for $line, @found;
print "\n";
then perl input.css
line 5: ##.ABC line 9: line 1: ###Test line 7: line 8:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2382
I'd recommend using the uniq function if you can install MoreUtils:
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