Reputation: 13
I'm trying to change the name of the apk of spotify, but show me many dependencies to make this...
First I follow this manual: Change Package Names of APKs
in manifest.xml
<manifest xmlns:android="" package="" platformBuildVersionCode="24" platformBuildVersionName="7.0">
I modified by com.spotify.jair
to Smali/com/spotify/jair
and replace
with Lcom/spotify/jair
inside smali folderAfter that, when I tried to install and the error:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PERMISSION: Package com.spotify.jair attemptin
g to redeclare permission already
owned by]
I modified all the
, inside AndroidManifest.xml to com.spotify.jair
and the error is:
Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER: Package couldn't be installed in /
data/app/com.spotify.jair-1: Can't install because provider name com.spotify.mob (in package com.spotify.jair) is already used by com.spotif]
So inside: res\values\
I found <string name="media_provider_authority"></string>
I modified: <string name="media_provider_authority"></string>
And the error is:
6280 KB/s (35226422 bytes in 5.477s) Success
But the app does not open, and close inspected. Can anybody help me on the debug why the app is closing, Is there are a tool to debug why the app is closing?
Also to add this project tree:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2623
Reputation: 55
I can't comment, the app is crashing, you need to take a logcat to see why adb logcat > l0g.txt Open Spotify Unplug phone And then upload that to paste bin
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