Reputation: 2770
When I read TensorFlow's
where LSTMCell
is implemented, I see the following
def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
"""Run one step of LSTM.
inputs: input Tensor, 2D, batch x num_units.
state: if `state_is_tuple` is False, this must be a state Tensor,
`2-D, batch x state_size`. If `state_is_tuple` is True, this must be a
tuple of state Tensors, both `2-D`, with column sizes `c_state` and
scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "LSTMCell".
A tuple containing:
- A `2-D, [batch x output_dim]`, Tensor representing the output of the
LSTM after reading `inputs` when previous state was `state`.
Here output_dim is:
num_proj if num_proj was set,
num_units otherwise.
- Tensor(s) representing the new state of LSTM after reading `inputs` when
the previous state was `state`. Same type and shape(s) as `state`.
ValueError: If input size cannot be inferred from inputs via
static shape inference.
num_proj = self._num_units if self._num_proj is None else self._num_proj
if self._state_is_tuple:
(c_prev, m_prev) = state
I am wondering why the dimension of inputs
must match the number of units (num_units
) of the LSTM. I would expect them to be completely unrelated but somehow they're not.
Does anyone know why?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1042
Reputation: 7150
It doesn't need to match the number of units(i.e. the hidden dimension) of the cell.
First of all:
num_proj: (optional) int, The output dimensionality for the projection matrices. If None, no projection is performed.
That's to say, num_proj is the dimentionality of the cell's output which can not match the dimension of the num_units(hidden dimension). Usually the output we want while decoding is of the same dimension of the vocabulary(not the dimension of the hidden dimension or number units here).
if self._num_proj is not None:
with vs.variable_scope("projection") as proj_scope:
if self._num_proj_shards is not None:
m = _linear(m, self._num_proj, bias=False)
As you can see above it just transfer the output(m) to be having num_proj dimension by a _linear projection/transformation. This defaults just to the same as hidden dimension if num_proj is None.
def _linear(args, output_size, bias, bias_start=0.0, scope=None):
"""Linear map: sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i] is a variable.
args: a 2D Tensor or a list of 2D, batch x n, Tensors.
output_size: int, second dimension of W[i].
bias: boolean, whether to add a bias term or not.
bias_start: starting value to initialize the bias; 0 by default.
scope: VariableScope for the created subgraph; defaults to "Linear".
A 2D Tensor with shape [batch x output_size] equal to
sum_i(args[i] * W[i]), where W[i]s are newly created matrices.
ValueError: if some of the arguments has unspecified or wrong shape.
if args is None or (isinstance(args, (list, tuple)) and not args):
raise ValueError("`args` must be specified")
if not isinstance(args, (list, tuple)):
args = [args]
# Calculate the total size of arguments on dimension 1.
total_arg_size = 0
shapes = [a.get_shape().as_list() for a in args]
for shape in shapes:
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Linear is expecting 2D arguments: %s" % str(shapes))
if not shape[1]:
raise ValueError("Linear expects shape[1] of arguments: %s" % str(shapes))
total_arg_size += shape[1]
# Now the computation.
with tf.variable_scope(scope or "Linear"):
matrix = tf.get_variable("Matrix", [total_arg_size, output_size])
if len(args) == 1:
res = tf.matmul(args[0], matrix)
res = tf.matmul(tf.concat(axis=1, values=args), matrix)
if not bias:
return res
bias_term = tf.get_variable("Bias", [output_size], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(bias_start))
return res + bias_term
Upvotes: 1