Reputation: 1402
We can declare a typed tuple in TypeScript, for example, with the type annotation [string, number]
. This means an array of 2 elements where the first element needs to be a string and the second a number.
We can also declare read-only arrays with ReadonlyArray<string>
which means a read-only array of strings.
Now I want to have a read-only tuple like in the first example, but I want it to be read-only like in the second example. How would I declare that?
Upvotes: 38
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Reputation: 1158
TypeScript Version 5.4.2
if you have an object with as const
appended, it will create a readonly object.
use this object to derive a strongly typed tuple from
This should help, check out the playground link as well
type UnknownObj = Record<string | number | symbol, unknown>;
const categories = {
"0": "Any",
"9": "General",
"10": "Entertainment"
} as const;
const example = {
nested: categories,
bool: Boolean(0) === false ? true : false,
myArr: ["mixed", true, 123, ["arr"]]
} as const;
const toReadonlyTuple = <const T extends UnknownObj>(props: T)=> {
return Object.entries(props).map(([key, val])=> {
return [key as keyof T, val as T[keyof T]] as const
}) satisfies (readonly [keyof T, T[keyof T]])[]
const toReadOnlyArrOfKeysOrvals = <
const T extends UnknownObj,
const V extends "keys" | "vals"
props: T,
target: V
) => {
return Object.entries(props)
.map(([key, val]) => {
return [key as keyof T, val as T[keyof T]] as const satisfies readonly [
keyof T,
T[keyof T]
.map(([key, val]) =>
target === "keys" ? ([...[key]] as const)[0] : Object.freeze(val)
) as typeof target extends "keys" ? readonly (keyof T)[] : Readonly<T[keyof T]>[];
console.log(toReadOnlyArrOfKeysOrvals(example, "keys"));
console.log(toReadOnlyArrOfKeysOrvals(example, "vals"))
The generated declaration definitions for either function
declare const toReadonlyTuple: <const T extends UnknownObj>(props: T) => (readonly [keyof T, T[keyof T]])[];
declare const toReadOnlyArrOfKeysOrvals: <const T extends UnknownObj, const V extends "keys" | "vals">(props: T, target: V) => V extends "keys" ? readonly (keyof T)[] : Readonly<T[keyof T]>[];
console output:
[LOG]: [["nested", {
"0": "Any",
"9": "General",
"10": "Entertainment"
}], ["bool", true], ["myArr", ["mixed", true, 123, ["arr"]]]]
[LOG]: ["nested", "bool", "myArr"]
[LOG]: [{
"0": "Any",
"9": "General",
"10": "Entertainment"
}, true, ["mixed", true, 123, ["arr"]]]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 9
You can invoke Object.freeze
while creating an array to make it readonly.
const arr = Object.freeze(["text", 2, 3]);
This will automatically convert the type to readonly (string | number)[]
in TypeScript, and will be readonly during runtime as well.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 14189
With const assertions, the compiler can be told to treat an array or an object as immutable, meaning that their properties are read-only. This also allows the creation of literal tuple types with narrower type inference (i.e. your ["a", "b"]
can be of type ["a", "b"]
, rather than string[]
without specifiying the whole thing as a contextual type)
The syntax:
const foo = ["text", 1] as const // or
const foo = <const> ["text", 1]
// typeof foo:
readonly ["text", 1]
It can also be used for object literals:
const myObj = {
foo: 1,
bar: ["a", "b"],
baz: true,
} as const
// typeof myObj:
{ readonly foo: 1, readonly bar: readonly ["a", "b"], readonly baz: true }
Here is the extended information of the corresponding PR.
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 28922
From Typescript version 3.4 you can just prefix tuple type with readonly
keyword (source).
TypeScript 3.4 also introduces new support for
tuples. We can prefix any tuple type with thereadonly
keyword to make it areadonly
tuple, much like we now can with array shorthand syntax. As you might expect, unlike ordinary tuples whose slots could be written to,readonly
tuples only permit reading from those positions.function foo(pair: readonly [string, string]) { console.log(pair[0]); // okay pair[1] = "hello!"; // error }
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 19045
As of v3.2.2, there's no perfect way of making a readonly tuple type without converting it to an object that looks like an array, but is not.
The lead architect of TypeScript has said this on the topic of combining Readonly<T>
with tuple types.
Here is the best solution I've come up with:
type ReadonlyTuple<T extends any[]> = {
readonly [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof []>]: T[P]
} & Iterable<T[number]>
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 371
The accepted answer leaves array mutation methods unaffected, which can cause unsoundness in the following way:
const tuple: Readonly<[number, string]> = [0, ''];
let a = tuple[0]; // a: number, but at runtime it will be a string
The code below fixes this issue, and includes Sergey Shandar's destructuring fix. You'll need to use --noImplicitAny
for it to work properly.
type ArrayItems<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer TItems> ? TItems : never;
type ExcludeProperties<TObj, TKeys extends string | number | Symbol> = Pick<TObj, Exclude<keyof TObj, TKeys>>;
type ArrayMutationKeys = Exclude<keyof any[], keyof ReadonlyArray<any>> | number;
type ReadonlyTuple<T extends any[]> = Readonly<ExcludeProperties<T, ArrayMutationKeys>> & {
readonly [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<ArrayItems<T>>;
const tuple: ReadonlyTuple<[number, string]> = [0, ''];
let a = tuple[0]; // a: number
let b = tuple[1]; // b: string
let c = tuple[2]; // Error when using --noImplicitAny
tuple[0] = 1; // Error
let [d, e] = tuple; // d: number, e: string
let [f, g, h] = tuple; // Error
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 2387
Readonly<[string, T]>
doesn't allow destruction. For example
const tuple: Readonly<[string, number]> = ["text", 4]
const [n, v] = tuple // error TS2488: Type 'Readonly<[string, number]>' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.
So, it's better to use a custom interface
export interface Entry<T> {
readonly [0]: string
readonly [1]: T
readonly [Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<string|T>
For example
const tuple: Entry<number> = ["text", 4]
const [name, value] = tuple // ok
const nameCheck: string = name
const valueCheck: number = value
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 8423
Since the type [string, number]
already is an Array
, you can simply use:
Readonly<[string, number]>
let tuple: Readonly<[string, number]> = ['text', 3, 4, 'another text'];
tuple[0] = 'new text'; //Error (Readonly)
let string1: string = tuple[0]; //OK!
let string2: string = tuple[1]; //Error (Type number)
let number1: number = tuple[0]; //Error (Type string)
let number2: number = tuple[1]; //OK!
let number3: number = tuple[2]; //Error (Type any)
Upvotes: 25