Reputation: 37
I was reading the chapter on structures in my book, and it got me re-modifying a program I already made, but this time using structures which I have never used before; however, after finishing the program, there's one issue I'm not understanding. The output of the program only displays once. It's in a for loop, and yet even though it asks me to input my information three times, it only outputs the first information.
I'm probably just not understanding how arrays in structures work. An example of my issue is the following. I have my output on the following loop
for(int counter = 0; counter <size; counter++)
The size is 3, which would mean I'll get the output printed three times; however the answer I'm getting is the same as if I was asking for the following.
When what I actually want is
Listofnames[0].F_name Listofnames[1].F_name Listofnames[2].F_name
However, I don't want to have to write it three times, I did to test it and it actually worked, but is that the only way to do it? Or did I miss something in my program?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
struct Names
string F_name; //Creating structure called Names.
string L_name;
char Mi;
struct Payrate
double rate;
double hoursworked; //Creating structure called Payrate.
double gross;
double net;
int main()
double stateTax = 0, federalTax = 0, unionFees = 0, timeHalf = 1.5; //Initializing variables.
const int size = 2; //Array size.
Payrate employee[size]; //Structure variables
Names Listofnames[size];
for (int counter = 0; counter < size; counter++) //Initializing for loop.
cout << "What's your first name?: " << endl;
cin >> Listofnames[counter].F_name;
cout << "What's your last name?: " << endl; //Displaying names, and hours worked, rate.
cin >> Listofnames[counter].L_name;
cout << "What is your middle initial?: " << endl;
cin >> Listofnames[counter].Mi;
cout << "How many hours did you work? Please enter a number between 1-50: " << endl;
cin >> employee[counter].hoursworked;
cout << "What is your hourly rate? Please enter a number between 1-50: " << endl;
cin >> employee[counter].rate;
if (employee[counter].hoursworked < 0 || employee[counter].hoursworked >50) //Initializing conditional statements.
cout << "Sorry you entered a erong entry. Pc shutting off " << endl; //Displays what happens is user inputs a number under 0 or over 50.
if (employee[counter].rate < 0 || employee[counter].rate > 50) //Initializing conditional statements.
cout << "Sorry you entered a erong entry. Pc shutting off " << endl; //Displays what happens is user inputs a number under 0 or over 50.
if (employee[counter].hoursworked <= 40) //Initializing conditional statements.
employee[counter].gross = employee[counter].hoursworked * employee[counter].rate; //Calculating gross.
else if (employee[counter].hoursworked > 40) //Initializing conditional statements.
employee[counter].gross = employee[counter].hoursworked * (employee[counter].rate * timeHalf); //Calculating gross.
stateTax = employee[counter].gross * 0.06;
federalTax = employee[counter].gross * 0.12; //Calculates all the tax fees, and net.
unionFees = employee[counter].gross * 0.02;
employee[counter].net = employee[counter].gross - (stateTax + federalTax + unionFees);
cout << "FirstN " << "MI " << "LastName " << "\t" << "Rate " << "HoursWorked " << "TimeHalf " << "StateTax " << "FederalTax " << "UnionFees " << "Gross " << " " << "Net " << endl; //Displays header of output.
cout << "==================================================================================================================" << endl;
for (int counter = 0; counter <= size; counter++)
cout << Listofnames[counter].F_name << "\t" << fixed << setprecision(2) << Listofnames[counter].Mi << " " << Listofnames[counter].L_name << "\t" << employee[counter].rate << "\t" << employee[counter].hoursworked << "\t" << setw(7) << timeHalf << "\t" << setw(8) << stateTax << setw(12) << federalTax << "\t" << unionFees << "\t" << employee[counter].gross << "\t" << employee[counter].net << endl;
P.s If you had to re modify this program again, what would you use to simplify it. Asking so I can keep re-modifying, and learn more advanced stuff. Vectors, pointers? Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 145
Reputation: 759
You have an array with 3 indexes but your loop is only going upto 2 indexes. Change your for loop to this.
for (int counter = 0; counter <= size; counter++)
Now, this loop will print the all the indexes.
Instead of using a static value you can also use this.
for (int counter = 0; counter < sizeof(Listofnames)/sizeof(Listofnames[0]); counter++)
sizeof(Listofnames)/sizeof(Listofnames[0]) This will give you the total size of your array.
Upvotes: 2