Reputation: 13677
There is an elegant derinition of list of fibonacci numbers:
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = fib 1 1 where
fib a b = a : fib b (a + b)
Can it be translated to use recursion-schemes
The closest I could get is the following code that uses completely different approach:
fibN' :: Nat -> Integer
fibN' = histo $ \case
(refix -> x:y:_) -> x + y
_ -> 1
I can provide the rest of the code if necessary, but essentially I get the Nth fibonacci number by using a histomorphism of Nat = Fix Maybe. Maybe (Cofree Maybe a)
turns out to be isomorphic to [a]
, so refix
can be thought just as a sort of toList
to make the pattern shorter.
I found shorter code but it only stores one value and in a non-generic way:
fib' :: (Integer, Integer) -> [Integer]
fib' = ana $ \(x, y) -> Cons x (y, x+y)
A non-generic way to store full history:
fib'' :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
fib'' = ana $ \l@(x:y:_) -> Cons x (x + y : l)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 516
Reputation: 13677
Here is (sort of) what I wanted:
type L f a = f (Cofree f a)
:: (Functor f, Corecursive t) =>
(f (Cofree g a) -> Base t (L g a))
-> (L g a -> f a)
-> L g a -> t
histAna unlift psi = ana (unlift . lift) where
lift oldHist = (:< oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
becomes newSeed :< oldHistory
produces current level from seed and history.
fibsListAna :: Num a => L Maybe a -> [a]
fibsListAna = histAna unlift psi where
psi (Just (x :< Just (y :< _))) = Just $ x + y
unlift x = case x of
Nothing -> Nil
h@(Just (v :< _)) -> Cons v h
r1 :: [Integer]
r1 = take 10 $ toList $ fibsListAna $ Just (0 :< Just (1 :< Nothing))
Stream version can also be implemented (Identity
and (,) a
functors respectively should be used). The binary tree case works too, but it's not clear if it's of any use. Here is a degenerated case I wrote blindly just to satisfy the type checker:
fibsTreeAna :: Num a => L Fork a -> Tree a
fibsTreeAna = histAna unlift psi where
psi (Fork (a :< _) (b :< _)) = Fork a b
unlift x = case x of
h@(Fork (a :< _) (b :< _)) -> NodeF (a + b) h h
It's not clear if we lose anything by replacing Cofree
with lists:
:: (Functor f, Corecursive t) =>
(f [a] -> Base t [a])
-> ([a] -> f a)
-> [a] -> t
histAna unlift psi = ana (unlift . lift) where
lift oldHist = (: oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
In this case 'history' becomes just the path to the tree root filled by seeds.
The list version turns out to be easily simplified by using different functor so seeding and filling the level can be accomplished in one place:
histAna psi = ana lift where
lift oldHist = (: oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
fibsListAna :: Num a => [a]
fibsListAna = histAna psi [0,1] where
psi (x : y : _) = Cons (x + y) (x + y)
The original code with Cofree
can be simplified too:
histAna :: (Functor f, Corecursive t) => (L f a -> Base t (f a)) -> L f a -> t
histAna psi = ana $ \oldHist -> fmap (:< oldHist) <$> psi oldHist
fibsListAna :: Num a => L Maybe a -> [a]
fibsListAna = histAna $ \case
Just (x :< Just (y :< _)) -> Cons (x + y) (Just (x + y))
fibsStreamAna :: Num a => L Identity a -> Stream a
fibsStreamAna = histAna $ \case
Identity (x :< Identity (y :< _)) -> (x + y, Identity $ x + y)
fibsTreeAna :: Num a => L Fork a -> Tree a
fibsTreeAna = histAna $ \case
Fork (a :< _) (b :< _) -> NodeF (a + b) (Fork a a) (Fork b b)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 44664
Sure. Your fibs
is readily translated into an unfoldr
, which is just a slightly different way to spell ana
fibs = unfoldr (\(a, b) -> Just (a, (b, a + b))) (1,1)
Upvotes: 1