Reputation: 924
I am having a dataframe that is build depending on user input, choosing different filters. I then want to create a bar plot from this custom dataframe where the user can click on to exclude bars from the plot. I basically followed this example:
However, when I try to define my reactiveValues value with my reactive, I can not define it and get an error. I am suspecting I can not define a reactiveValues with a reactive, is this right? How should I handle this then? Should I use reactive
s instead of reactiveValues
Example code:
server <- function(input, output) {
df <- reactive({
vals2 <- reactive({
output$Id1 <- renderText({
vals <- reactiveValues()
vals$bla <- df()
ui <- fluidPage(
column(width= 4,
textInput(inputId = "input1", label = "Select number of rows", value = "10")
column(width = 12,
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "Id1"),
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "Id2")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 879
Reputation: 342
Create your reactiveValues towards the beginning of your function and initialise is with a NULL
vals <- reactiveValues(bla = NULL)
You can then write to vals$bla
from inside observeEvent
, for instance when a button is pressed.
You can read from the reactiveValue, for instance to draw a plot in the form:
output$myPlot <- renderPlot( some function of values$bla )
EDIT updating to add my comment, create an observeEvent which watches your input1, when this changes it will execture the code within {} which will write to your reactiveValue.
observeEvent(input$input1, {
vals$bla <- input$input1
Upvotes: 2