Reputation: 375
I am currently working on a mobile Phonegap "website wrapper" application; that is, I simply redirect from index.html to my URL:
And it opens the page in the InAppBrowser. Most of the functionality seems to be working just fine; however, I am having a problem playing any of the videos on the site using my phone.
My first impression was that it has something to do with a cross-origin policy issue, which led me to believe that perhaps I'd have to do some whitelisting. However, if that is the case, I have as yet failed to find a solution for it.
The error I am currently getting (on my android phone used for testing):
Error: Failed to load because no supported source was found.
More specific details:
<video preload src="blob:"></video>
, x's representing alphanumerical characters. I am unfamiliar with the purpose of blob, and I've wondered if it has anything to do with the issue at hand...My HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Title</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />
<meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" />
window.location.href=myURL; //where myURL is the URL of the site I am using
My config.xml (I am aware that it is very messy and incomplete in various ways):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<widget id="com.phonegap.myId" version="1.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:gap="">
<name>My App Name here.</name>
My description here.
<author email="[email protected]" href="">
My author here.
<content src="index.html" />
<preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true" />
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="14" />
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<plugin name="cordova-plugin-camera" source="npm" spec="~2.1.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-media-capture" source="npm" spec="~1.2.0" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-console" source="npm" spec="~1.0.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-contacts" source="npm" spec="~2.0.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" source="npm" spec="~1.1.1" />
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<plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" source="npm" spec="~3.2.1" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-statusbar" source="npm" spec="~2.1.2" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-vibration" source="npm" spec="~2.1.0" />
<platform name="android">
<icon src="www/res/icon/android/icon.png" width="672" height="672"/>
<platform name="ios">
<icon src="www/res/icon/ios/icon.png" width="672" height="672"/>
<platform name="wp8">
<icon height="99" platform="wp8" src="www/res/icon/wp8/ApplicationIcon.png" width="99" />
<icon height="159" platform="wp8" src="www/res/icon/wp8/Background.png" width="159" />
<splash height="1280" platform="wp8" src="www/res/screen/wp8/screen-portrait.jpg" width="768" />
<platform name="windows">
<icon height="150" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square150x150Logo.scale-100.png" width="150" />
<icon height="30" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square30x30Logo.scale-100.png" width="30" />
<icon height="50" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/StoreLogo.scale-100.png" width="50" />
<splash height="300" platform="windows" src="www/res/screen/windows/SplashScreen.scale-100.png" width="620" />
<icon height="120" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/StoreLogo.scale-240.png" width="120" />
<icon height="44" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-100.png" width="44" />
<icon height="106" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square44x44Logo.scale-240.png" width="106" />
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<icon height="71" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square71x71Logo.scale-100.png" width="71" />
<icon height="170" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square71x71Logo.scale-240.png" width="170" />
<icon height="360" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square150x150Logo.scale-240.png" width="360" />
<icon height="310" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Square310x310Logo.scale-100.png" width="310" />
<icon height="150" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Wide310x150Logo.scale-100.png" width="310" />
<icon height="360" platform="windows" src="www/res/icon/windows/Wide310x150Logo.scale-240.png" width="744" />
<splash height="1920" platform="windows" src="www/res/screen/windows/SplashScreenPhone.scale-240.png" width="1152" />
<access origin="" subdomains="true" />
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<access origin="*" />
<allow-navigation href="*" />
<allow-navigation href="blob:*" />
<allow-intent href="*"/>
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="https://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="tel:*" />
<allow-intent href="sms:*" />
<allow-intent href="mailto:*" />
<allow-intent href="geo:*" />
<allow-intent href="blob:*"/>
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<platform name="ios">
<allow-intent href="itms:*" />
<allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" />
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="" />
I've looked all around for a solution to this issue, to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As a side note, if anyone has suggestions for a better way altogether to achieve what I am trying to do with this project, please let me know and I will keep it in mind for the future.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1208
Reputation: 375
So, it turns out the problem was actually with my phone. What exactly, I couldn't say, but it worked fine on a different android phone...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1160
First 1:
Do not forget to put video Tag:
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
1. The file:// protocol to play something native to the device such as:"file:///sdcard/MyMovie.mp4");
2. The http:// protocol to play something on the internet such as:"");
3. The http:// protocol pointing to a video on YouTube such as:"");
You can use this : VideoPlayer
Upvotes: 1