Reputation: 881
I wanted to create a data structure that can store the name of a vertex, vertices it is adjacent to along with the edge weight. I thought of creating a dict
that maps a vertex to a list
that further has dict
to store vertices it is adjacent to with edge weight.
In other words:
D = {
vertex1: [
Adj_vertex1: edge weight
Adj_vertex2: edge weight
Is there an effective way to do this? Also, if I use the structure above how do I access Adj_vertex2
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Views: 6433
Reputation: 36
Using a list of tuples to store the adjacencies and the weights makes more sense to me rather than storing it as dict. You can store it something like this,
d = {
'v1': [ ('v2',w1), ('v3', w2) ]
'v2': [ ('v1', w1) ]
'v3': [ ('v1', w2) ]
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One efficient way that uses relatively standard tools would be to store adjacency as a sparse matrix. This would require you to use scipy
and to number your vertices.
Assume you have the connected vertices as list of lists and the weights as another list of lists of the same structure
inds = [[1,3], [], [0,2], [0,2,3]]
weights = [[0.1,0.2], [], [1,1], [2,0.5,-0.1]]
adj = sparse.lil_matrix((4,4))
for i, (j, w) in enumerate(zip(inds, weights)):
adj[i, j] = w
# <4x4 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 7 stored elements in LInked List format>
adj.A # dense representation
# array([[ 0. , 0.1, 0. , 0.2],
[ 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
[ 1. , 0. , 1. , 0. ],
[ 2. , 0. , 0.5, -0.1]])
adj = adj.tocsr() # convert to more efficient format
# get vertices connected to vertex 3:
# array([0, 2, 3], dtype=int32)
# get corresponding weights:
# array([ 2. , 0.5, -0.1])
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Reputation: 7700
Dictionary works fine unless you have more complex structure. But you are declaring a list of dictionaries for your vertices. You can simplify it like this;
D = { vertex1: {Adj_vertex1: edge_weight, Adj_vertex2: edge_weight}}
And get adj_vertex2 weight like this;
Or if you want to get a default value if a vertex is not adjacent to another, thus not exists in the dictionary you can use this (thanks to Hossein's comment):
D[vertex1].get(Adj_vertex2, 0)
And add a new vertex like this;
D[new_vertex] = {Adj_vertex1: edge_weight, Adj_vertex2: edge_weight}
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 707
You can do:
d = {'vertex1': [ {'adj_vertex1': (edge, weight)}, {'adj_vertex2': (edge, weight)}]}
To access adj_vertex2
you must do d['vertex1'][1]['adj_vertex2']
This is not a very good way to work with graphs in python in my opinion. You should check some libraries out like python-graph or you could use sets, sets are a good way to use graphs with python as far as I remember.
Note: (this, is, a, tuple)
. On tuples.
Upvotes: 1