Reputation: 522
I need to rename output field name with incoming variable value. There is a function:
def metric_data(request, test_id, metric):
metric_name = metric
data = ServerMonitoringData.objects. \
filter(test_id=test_id). \
annotate(timestamp=RawSQL("((data->>%s)::timestamp)", ('timestamp',))).\
annotate(metric=RawSQL("((data->>%s)::numeric)", (metric,))). \
values('timestamp', "metric")
So in this case no matter what value comes with the variable metric the output is looking like:
{"timestamp": "0:31:02", "metric": "8.82414500398"}
I need to have an output with a key names equals to metric variable (if metric == 'CPU_iowait'):
{"timestamp": "0:31:02", "CPU_iowait": "8.82414500398"}
Tryed to use something like this:
metric_name = metric
values('timestamp', metric_name)
But it is trying to find 'CPU_iowait' column when exists 'metric_name'. So is there any way to pass field name as a variable ?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2090
Reputation: 5644
# use dict to map the metric's name to a RawSQL query
# and pass it as keyword argument to `.annotate`.
metric_mapping = {
metric: RawSQL("((data->>%s)::numeric)", (metric,))
Upvotes: 3