Reputation: 3583
I've searched this site but I just found unanswered questions.
I've loaded a custom font into my xcode project. A [UIFont fontWithName:@"Laconic-Light" size:19]
works. But interface builder doesn't like the font. I can't use it with IB it always shows the default font. Is there a way to tell IB that its ok to use the font?
Upvotes: 31
Views: 29671
Reputation: 5230
Thanks to apple, in Xcode 6, we have custom fonts available in interface builder itself.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 22246
The solution is generally straightforward if you swizzle the UIFont class. I think it is best to pick a sane font like Helvetica Neue and override that. This allows you to put the whole project back into the standard by pulling the mapping. I had already come up with a swizzle to achieve this goal when I realized someone else did it too so I mashed it up a bit. As NSHipster will tell you swizzling can be dangerous, but in this case the risk is pretty low considering the absolute simplicity of the UIFont API. In my case it was done for an Enterprise app so it was even lower risk.
#import <objc/runtime.h>
static NSString *const kFontMapPlist = @"FontMap";
static NSDictionary *_replacementFontDictionary = nil;
@implementation UIFont (CustomFont)
static void initializeReplacementFonts()
static BOOL initialized = NO;
if (initialized)
initialized = YES;
// A Plist with a Dictionary from->to font name mapping
NSURL *replacementFontMapURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:kFontMapPlist withExtension:@"plist"];
NSDictionary *replacementFontMap = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:replacementFontMapURL];
[UIFont setReplacementFontDictionary:replacementFontMap];
+ (void)load
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
SEL fontWithNameSizeSelector = @selector(fontWithName:size:);
SEL swizzledFontWithNameSizeSelector = @selector(clp_fontWithName:size:);
SwizzleClassMethod([UIFont class], fontWithNameSizeSelector, swizzledFontWithNameSizeSelector);
SEL fontWithDescriptorSizeSelector = @selector(fontWithDescriptor:size:);
SEL swizzledfontWithDescriptorSelector = @selector(clp_fontWithDescriptor:size:);
SwizzleClassMethod([UIFont class], fontWithDescriptorSizeSelector, swizzledfontWithDescriptorSelector);
void SwizzleClassMethod(Class class, SEL originalSelector, SEL replacementSelector)
Class clazz = objc_getMetaClass(class_getName(class));
Method originalMethod = class_getClassMethod(clazz, originalSelector);
Method replacementMethod = class_getClassMethod(clazz, replacementSelector);
// Add method if it doesn't eixst
BOOL didAddMethod =
if (didAddMethod) {
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, replacementMethod);
#pragma mark - Swizzled font by descriptor and name calls
+ (UIFont *)clp_fontWithDescriptor:(UIFontDescriptor *)descriptor size:(CGFloat)pointSize
NSString *originalFontName = descriptor.fontAttributes[UIFontDescriptorNameAttribute];
NSString *replacementFontName = _replacementFontDictionary[originalFontName];
UIFontDescriptor *replacementFontDescriptor = descriptor;
if (replacementFontName != nil) {
replacementFontDescriptor = [UIFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:@{UIFontDescriptorNameAttribute: replacementFontName}];
return [self clp_fontWithDescriptor:replacementFontDescriptor size:pointSize];
+ (UIFont *)clp_fontWithName:(NSString *)fontName size:(CGFloat)fontSize
NSString *replacementFontName = _replacementFontDictionary[fontName];
if (replacementFontName == nil) {
replacementFontName = fontName;
return [self clp_fontWithName:replacementFontName size:fontSize];
#pragma mark - Replacement Dictionary Getter and Setter
+ (NSDictionary *)replacementDictionary
return _replacementFontDictionary;
+ (void)setReplacementFontDictionary:(NSDictionary *)replacmentFontDictionary
if (replacmentFontDictionary == _replacementFontDictionary) {
_replacementFontDictionary = replacmentFontDictionary;
// Validate font existence.
for (NSString *originalFontName in [_replacementFontDictionary allKeys]) {
NSString *replacementFontName = [_replacementFontDictionary objectForKey:originalFontName];
UIFont *replacementFont = [UIFont fontWithName:replacementFontName size:10.0f];
if (replacementFont == nil) {
DDLogError(@"WARNING: replacement font '%@' is not available.", replacementFontName);
For the sake of simplicity we'll pretend we have a font called CustomSans.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 545
You can install this script
Works really well for me with xcode 5.1.1.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1865
I prefer to do this in a slightly more generic way, which let's you size your text within Interface Builder, and simply replace the fonts at runtime.
I create an IBCollection property for any UIKit elements to set a font to, then wire up the appropriate items from IB.
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(id) NSArray *lightFontItems;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutletCollection(id) NSArray *regularFontItems;
Then in my view did load I use a method like this:
[self setFontName:@"Roboto-Light" onItemsInArray:[self lightFontItems]];
[self setFontName:@"Roboto-Regular" onItemsInArray:[self regularFontItems]];
And the setLightFontOnItemsInArray:
method looks like this:
+ (void)setFontName:(NSString *)fontName onItemsInArray:(NSArray *)array;
[array each:^(id item) {
if (![item respondsToSelector:@selector(setFont:)]) return;
[item performSelector:@selector(setFont:) withObject:[UIFont fontWithName:fontName size:[[item font] pointSize]]];
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1220
I have also this problem in Xcode 4. In my program, there are lots of UILabel
which have no IBOutlets
so I do in that way;
First, subclass the UILabel
to CustomFontLabel
Then, override the "awakeFromNib
" method
@implementation CustomFontLabel
- (void)awakeFromNib {
[super awakeFromNib];
self.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"CustomFontName" size:self.font.pointSize];
Finally, in Interface Builder > Identity Inspector change class to CustomFontLabel
Upvotes: 63
Reputation: 6689
Another solution would be to subclass UILabel to load in your custom font. You can then reference it in IB, although you still cannot see the proper font.
Upvotes: 5