Reputation: 3215
How can call Exchange commands to get mailbox information on a standard domain computer without the Exchange Management Shell installed?
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Views: 111
Reputation: 3215
I write a script to use localy all exchange 2010+ commands without needed instaling the exchange tools.
use like
Import-ExchTools 'MyDomain'
get-mailbox $(whoami)
include in your script
function Get-RmExchSession ($AD='MyDomain') {
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
$SrvBlackList = @('vexchmb7','vexchmb6', 'vexchtopt1')
$PoolExch = $(
(Get-ADGroupMember -server $AD 'Exchange Servers') | ?{$_.objectClass -eq 'computer'} | ?{$_.Name -and $SrvBlackList -notcontains $} | Sort-Object -Descending CreationDate | %{
name = $_.Name
dNSHostName = "$($_.Name).$AD.adds"
foreach ($exch in $PoolExch) {
$ExchSession = $null
#Write-Host $Exch.dNSHostName -nonewline
if (Test-connexion $Exch.dNSHostName) {
# on se connecte au dernier Srv exchange mis en place, le plus ressant
# ne fonctionne pas sur les AD avec approbation unidirectionnele, il faut le credential ADMIN
$ExchSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "http://$($Exch.dNSHostName)/PowerShell/" -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($ExchSession) {
#Write-Host " Session OK" -fore Green
return $ExchSession
} else {
Write-host " Impossible de se connecter avec le Current Credential, tentative avec '$AD\Administrateur'" -fore Red -NoNewline
function Import-ExchTools ($AD='MyDomain') {
$exchSess = (Get-RmExchSession $AD)
if ($exchSess) {
Import-PSSession $exchSess -wa 0 | Out-Null
return $null
Upvotes: 0