Reputation: 5
How do I check full binary tree in prolog? I have the 2 base cases
1) if is empty tree, return yes
2) if is just root only, return yes
I'm stuck at the third one and I not sure what should I do with it. We only allow to use 1 arity: full(T).
anyone can guide me please. My idea is a tree does not have two nonempty tree then it is a full binary tree.
P/S: I am still new to stackoverflow. If I did ask something silly or improper way please do tell me. I want to learn how to use stackoverflow and also make sure of it in proper way.
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Views: 402
Ok, since there is already an answer that doesn't answer the question at face value, here is mine. It doesn't add much anything to the answer by @lurker, it just offers details and explanations that were too much for comments. It also avoids CLP(FD) completely, which is why I felt it should be a separate answer.
You can start (as @lurker has) by using a more conventional binary tree representation. The empty tree is nil
, and the non-empty tree is bt(Value, Left, Right)
where Value
is the value at this node and Left
and Right
are the left and right sub-trees. This is the conventional representation because it is at the very least more memory efficient. A "leaf" (a tree without sub-trees) is, in your original representation:
.(Value, .([], .([], [])))
instead of:
bt(Value, nil, nil)
The amount of memory needed to represent the two would be different between different Prolog implementations, but I don't know how to make the first smaller than the second.
Then: as @false commented above, a list is usually a collection of Things which conventionally has the following properties:
Using a list like you do breaks the last convention: the first argument is a value, while the second and third arguments are trees.
This doesn't exclude using list for representing a binary tree but it is unfamiliar.
With this out of the way: successor arithmetic is a silly way of doing actual arithmetic, but it is very convenient if you want to use pattern matching for non-negative integers. You cannot do it with the built-in integer type of Prolog, like 0
or -23
or whatever. Successor arithmetic gives you:
vs s(_)
X + 1
is s(X)
.So, you could define your "full tree" like this:
full_btree(T) :-
full_btree(T, _).
full_btree(nil, 0).
full_btree(bt(_, L, R), s(D)) :-
full_btree(L, D),
full_btree(R, D).
The s(D)
and the two D
s state that the tree in your first argument is one deeper than the sub-trees, and that both sub-trees are the same depth. The empty tree nil
has a depth of 0 (as defined in the first clause of full_btree/2
This works as follows:
?- full_btree(nil).
?- full_btree(bt(x, nil, nil)).
?- full_btree(bt(x, bt(y, nil, nil), nil)).
?- full_btree(bt(x, bt(y, nil, nil), bt(z, nil, nil))).
?- full_btree(T), numbervars(T).
T = nil ;
T = bt(A, nil, nil) ;
T = bt(A, bt(B, nil, nil), bt(C, nil, nil)) ;
T = bt(A, bt(B, bt(C, nil, nil), bt(D, nil, nil)), bt(E, bt(F, nil, nil), bt(G, nil, nil))) . % and so on
One more thing: to close the circle, you can do successor arithmetic with lists, too. Just use []
instead of 0 and [_|X]
for s(X)
. With this, you would have:
full_tree(nil, []).
full_tree(bt(_, L, R), [_|D]) :-
full_tree(L, D),
full_tree(R, D).
This is slightly less memory efficient, instead of s(s(s(0)))
you would have .(_, .(_, ,(_, [])))
. However! it is now much easier to make actual integers out of the successor-notation integers, and the other way round: just use length/2
. Writing a predicate that converts between s(s(...))
and an integer that works both ways in pure Prolog is not as trivial. I think it is possible to search Stackoverflow for such questions.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 58324
I would first probably choose a different representation for binary tree. In Prolog, it's generally more conventional and efficient to use a simple atom (such as nil
) as a nil node, and something like btree(Value, Left, Right)
as the tree term. Outside of that, the solution looks quite like what @pyon suggested.
% full_btree succeeds if `Tree` is a full binary tree
full_btree(Tree) :-
full_btree(Tree, _).
full_btree(nil, 0).
full_btree(b(_, LeftTree, RightTree), Depth) :-
Depth #> 0,
SubDepth #= Depth - 1,
full_btree(LeftTree, SubDepth),
full_btree(RightTree, SubDepth).
The condition Depth #> 0
ensures, regardless of inputs, that the depth will not become negative, and thus helps ensure termination.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 19772
I'm going to assume that you represent trees as follows:
helper([], 0).
helper([_,L,R], H) :- H #= G + 1, helper(L, G), helper(R, G).
/* Old version: helper([_,L,R], H) :- helper(L, G), helper(R, G), H is G + 1.
* The improvement in the new version was suggested by lurker. Thanks!
full(T) :- helper(T, _).
This works because full binary trees can be inductively defined as follows:
, is itself a full binary tree of height G + 1
.Upvotes: 2