Reputation: 73
If you take a look at my function CardCompare inside of the class... It doesn't work! But, if I instead use the function where it is commented out in Hand.cpp, it works perfectly fine. Why is this?
Also, I am wondering if keeping the CardCompare function in my hand class makes less sense than keeping it in the Card class, if that is possible.
#ifndef HAND_H
#define HAND_H
#include <vector>
#include "Card.h"
class Hand {
std::vector<Card> hand;
int total;
void CalculateTotal();
bool CardCompare (Card i, Card j) {return ( i.RankInt() < j.RankInt() ); }//Does not work! :O
Hand() {
total = 0;
std::vector<Card> GetHand() const{ return hand;};
void PrintHand();
void AddToHand(Card c);
#include "Hand.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
void Hand::CalculateTotal() {
for (int i = 0; i < hand.size(); i++) {
std::cout << hand[i].ToString() << std::endl;
void Hand::PrintHand() {
for (int i = 0; i < hand.size(); i++) {
std::cout << hand[i].ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
/* If I place this right here, it works perfect.
bool CardCompare (Card i, Card j) {return ( i.RankInt() < j.RankInt() ); }
void Hand::AddToHand(Card c) {
int main() {
Hand h;
h.AddToHand(Card (2, ( Card::Suit )2 ) );
h.AddToHand(Card (3, ( Card::Suit )3 ) );
h.AddToHand(Card (1, ( Card::Suit )2 ) );
h.AddToHand(Card (13, ( Card::Suit )3 ) );
std::cout<< std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << h.GetHand()[0].ToString();
#ifndef CARD_H
#define CARD_H
#include <string>
class Card {
enum Suit {
Card(int r = 1, Suit s = SUIT_HEART) : rank(r), suit(s)
int GetRank() const { return rank; };
Suit GetSuit() const { return suit; };
std::string ToString() const;
std::string SuitString() const;
std::string RankString() const;
int RankInt() const;
int rank;
Suit suit;
static const char * ranknames[];
static const char * suitnames[];
static const int rankints[];
#include <iostream>
#include "Card.h"
//#include <vector> //gtfo
const char * Card::ranknames[] = { "A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K" };
const char * Card::suitnames[] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spaces" };
const int Card::rankints[] = {11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ,10 ,10, 10 };
std::string Card::ToString() const {
std::string s = RankString();
s.append(" of ");
return s;
std::string Card::SuitString() const {
return suitnames[suit];
std::string Card::RankString() const {
return ranknames[rank-1];
int Card::RankInt() const {
return rankints[rank-1];
int main() {
std::vector<Card> Deck;
for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
std::cout << Deck[i].ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
std::random_shuffle( Deck.begin(), Deck.end() );
for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) {
std::cout << Deck[i].ToString() << std::endl;
Upvotes: 6
Views: 13583
Reputation: 4111
CardCompare() cannot be a member function if it is to be used in sort(). You can just overload operator< in the Card class to compare cards.
In card class, something like:
bool operator<(const Card& other) const {
return RankInt() < other.RankInt();
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 248289
The canonical solution is to overload operator()
instead. This turns your class into a functor, and then it'll work out of the box with the standard library algorithms.
Just change
bool CardCompare (Card i, Card j) {return ( i.RankInt() < j.RankInt() ); }
bool operator()(Card i, Card j) {return ( i.RankInt() < j.RankInt() ); }
and then you can call sort like this:
std::sort(hand.begin(),hand.end(), Hand());
Normally, you'd put the comparison operator in a separate class though
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You are trying to pass a pointer to a member function, so sort can't use it because it doesn't have this
pointer. In your case you can just change the function to be static
static bool CardCompare (Card i, Card j) {return ( i.RankInt() < j.RankInt() ); }
If you do need it be a non-static member function in the future, bind it with boost::bind
or std::bind
(for C++0x compiler):
std::sort(hand.begin(),hand.end(),bind(&Hand::CardCompare, this, _1, _2));
Upvotes: 9