Reputation: 320
I've used the following code to train/test some classifiers :
public class WekaTest {
public static BufferedReader readDataFile(String filename)
BufferedReader inputReader = null;
inputReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
System.err.println("File not found: " + filename);
return inputReader;
public static Evaluation classify(Classifier model,
Instances trainingSet, Instances testingSet) throws Exception {
Evaluation evaluation = new Evaluation(trainingSet);
evaluation.evaluateModel(model, testingSet);
return evaluation;
public static double calculateAccuracy(FastVector predictions) {
double correct = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < predictions.size(); i++) {
NominalPrediction np = (NominalPrediction) predictions.elementAt(i);
if (np.predicted() == np.actual()) {
return 100 * correct / predictions.size();
public static Instances[][] crossValidationSplit(Instances data, int numberOfFolds) {
Instances[][] split = new Instances[2][numberOfFolds];
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFolds; i++)
split[0][i] = data.trainCV(numberOfFolds, i, random);
split[1][i] = data.testCV(numberOfFolds, i);
return split;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
BufferedReader datafile = readDataFile("training_1.arff");
Instances data = new Instances(datafile);
data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1);
// Do 10-split cross validation
Instances[][] split = crossValidationSplit(data, 10);
// Separate split into training and testing arrays
Instances[] trainingSplits = split[0];
Instances[] testingSplits = split[1];
// Use a set of classifiers
Classifier[] models = {
// new J48(), // a decision tree
// new PART(),
// new DecisionTable(),//decision table majority classifier
// new DecisionStump(), //one-level decision tree
new NaiveBayes(),
// new AdaBoostM1()
new RandomForest()
// new LMT()
// Run for each model
for (int j = 0; j < models.length; j++)
// Collect every group of predictions for current model in a FastVector
FastVector predictions = new FastVector();
// For each training-testing split pair, train and test the classifier
for (int i = 0; i < trainingSplits.length; i++)
Evaluation validation = classify(models[j], trainingSplits[i], testingSplits[i]);
// Uncomment to see the summary for each training-testing pair.
// System.out.println(models[j].toString());
// generate curve
ThresholdCurve tc = new ThresholdCurve();
int classIndex = 0;
Instances result = tc.getCurve(validation.predictions(), classIndex);
System.out.println("tPR :"+validation.truePositiveRate(classIndex));
System.out.println("fNR :"+validation.falseNegativeRate(classIndex));
// plot curve
ThresholdVisualizePanel vmc = new ThresholdVisualizePanel();
vmc.setROCString("(Area under ROC = " +
Utils.doubleToString(tc.getROCArea(result), 4) + ")");
PlotData2D tempd = new PlotData2D(result);
// specify which points are connected
boolean[] cp = new boolean[result.numInstances()];
for (int n = 1; n < cp.length; n++)
cp[n] = true;
// add plot
// display curve
String plotName = vmc.getName();
final javax.swing.JFrame jf =
new javax.swing.JFrame("Weka Classifier Visualize: "+plotName);
jf.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
jf.getContentPane().add(vmc, BorderLayout.CENTER);
jf.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent e) {
// Calculate overall accuracy of current classifier on all splits
double accuracy = calculateAccuracy(predictions);
// Print current classifier's name and accuracy in a complicated,
// but nice-looking way.
System.out.println("Accuracy of " + models[j].getClass().getSimpleName() + ": "
+ String.format("%.2f%%", accuracy)
+ "\n---------------------------------");
The arff file contains description followed by 20 data attributes followed by a 'Yes' or 'No' class label.
Running this on some data the TPR and the FPR are accurately calculated and displayed corresponding to each confusion matrix; However, the area under the ROC curve is displayed as 'NaN' and the curve is a straight vertical or horizontal line:
What am I doing wrong? Any help would be much appreciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 898
Reputation: 3082
that would be a comment but i'm new and can't comment yet. I ran your code from inside the loop and with my data it works like a charm. So its not a problem with the printing.
Looks like your evaluation works
Running this on some data the TPR and the FPR are accurately calculated and displayed corresponding to each confusion matrix;
So have you ever tried the following function of the Evaluation class?
evaluation.areaUnderROC(int classIndex);
To see what the ROC Curve should look like?
Is your label class {"yes","no"} or {0,1}? I don't think that's the problem but could you try
Instances result = tc.getCurve(validation.predictions());
instead of
Instances result = tc.getCurve(validation.predictions(), classIndex);
Can you post some values of the confusion matrix and TPR/FPR.
Upvotes: 1