
Reputation: 301

Access specific data in childByAutoId Firebase Swift

I want to find every auto id with a specific Username and change values in that specific AutoID.

Every auto id that has the username that i am looking for. Then change a specific value on all auto IDs that matches my specified username by string.

So every AutoID that has Username: "s7iytsdifytgsfyg" (example)

Then change all those Auto ids photo_url value.

enter image description here

enter image description here

        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(updateValue(_ :)), name: Notification.Name("TIME_TO_UPDATE"), object: nil)

func updateValue(_ notification: Notification) {

        //Firebase Initialization
        var ref: FIRDatabaseReference!
        //var storage: FIRStorageReference!
        let userID = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid
        ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()
        //storage =

        //Get Data from database resend to database
        ref.child("Users").child(userID!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in
            let snapDict = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
            let firebaseUserPhotoURL = snapDict?["photo_url"] as? String ?? ""

        for key in self.keys {
            self.ref.child("general_room").child(key).updateChildValues(["photo_rul": firebaseUserPhotoURL])


    func changeChatPhoto() {

        //Firebase Initialization
        var ref: FIRDatabaseReference!
        let userID = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid
        ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()

        let observer = ref.child("general_room").observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
            let messages = snapshot.value as? [String: Dictionary<String, String>]
            for (key, value) in messages! {
                if value["user_name"] == userID { // Field you want to find
                    self.keys.append(key) // keep track of the key (auto id)
   Notification.Name("TIME_TO_UPDATE"), object: nil)

        // Just observe for one time
        ref.child("general_room").removeObserver(withHandle: observer)


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Views: 814

Answers (1)


Reputation: 6469

It's simple, you just need to find all keys containing the username then update its value.

ref.child("general_room").observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
        let general_room = snapshot.value as! [String: Dictionary<String, String>]
        for (key, value) in general_room {
            if value["user_name"] == "HELLO WORLD" { // Field you want to find
                self.keys.append(key) // keep track of the key (auto id)
        } Notification.Name("TIME_TO_UPDATE"), object: nil)

Also I register the Notification in viewDidLoad which tells me all data is retrieved from firebase.

var keys = [String]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(updateValue(_ :)), name: Notification.Name("TIME_TO_UPDATE"), object: nil)

func updateValue(_ notification: Notification) {
    for key in keys {
       self.ref.child("general_room").child(key).updateChildValues(["photo_rul": ""])

Upvotes: 2

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