Reputation: 2283
I have created a Toast notification in my Xamarin PCL project. I have created this control using this. As soon as this toast message disappears my app becomes blank. I cannot figure out why? no exception from any where??
In Portable:
namespace ABC
public interface IMessage
void LongAlert(string message);
void ShortAlert(string message);
In Droid:
public class MessageAndroid : IMessage
public void LongAlert(string message)
Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
public void ShortAlert(string message)
Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, message, ToastLength.Short).Show();
In Windows 10:
public class ToastNotificationManagerRenderer : IMessage
public void LongAlert(string message)
var notificationXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01);
var toeastElement = notificationXml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(notificationXml);
public void ShortAlert(string message)
var notificationXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastText01);
var toeastElement = notificationXml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(notificationXml);
In Ios:
public class MessageIOS : IMessage
const double LONG_DELAY = 3.5;
const double SHORT_DELAY = 2.0;
NSTimer alertDelay;
UIAlertController alert;
public void LongAlert(string message)
ShowAlert(message, LONG_DELAY);
public void ShortAlert(string message)
ShowAlert(message, SHORT_DELAY);
void ShowAlert(string message, double seconds)
alertDelay = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer(seconds, (obj) =>
alert = UIAlertController.Create(null, message, UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(alert, true, null);
void dismissMessage()
if (alert != null)
alert.DismissViewController(true, null);
if (alertDelay != null)
For Ios: I have tried this plugin also.MessageBarLib. Code same as above in portable but in Ios -
public void ShortAlert(string message)
MessageBarManager.SharedInstance.ShowMessage("Success", message, MessageType.Success);
But after exiting from above function, my app closes.
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Views: 944
Reputation: 2283
I tried this for IOS:-
private const int Margin = 30;
private const int Height = 40;
private const int Width = 400;
private NSTimer _timer;
public void ShowAlert(string message)
var toast = new MessageIOS();
toast.Show(UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.View, message);
public MessageIOS()
_view = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 0, 0, 0))
BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(0, 175, 240)
_view.Layer.CornerRadius = (nfloat)20.0;
_label = new UILabel(new CGRect(0, 0, 0, 0))
TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center,
TextColor = UIColor.White
public void Show(UIView parent, string message)
if (_timer != null)
_view.Alpha = (nfloat)0.7;
_view.Frame = new CGRect(
(parent.Bounds.Width - Width) / 2,
parent.Bounds.Height - Height - Margin,
_label.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, Width, Height);
_label.Text = message;
var wait = 10;
_timer = NSTimer.CreateRepeatingScheduledTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), delegate {
if (_view.Alpha <= 0)
if (wait > 0)
_view.Alpha -= (nfloat)0.05;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3276
Based off of your comments and the code, I suspect that the dismissMessage()' is clearing all of the UIViewControllers that were put onto the stack by the 'PresentingViewController'. I suspect it's a bit of a bug, but If you try:
PresentingViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);
Instead of
alert.DismissViewController(true, null);
I suspect it should work correctly. If not then we could do with knowing a bit more about the design pattern you use in your iOS project to determine if you are presenting 'UIViewControllers' properly.
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