
Reputation: 38209

Automapper 6.0. Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping

I've already seen this question, this and this.

And I've got this exception when I move from Automapper to Automapper This code throws no exception in Automapper

I have 2 class :

Class 1 : (Domain)

public class Movie:IEntityBase
    public Movie()
        Stocks = new List<Stock>();

    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Image { get; set; }
    public int GenreId { get; set; }
    public virtual Genre Genre { get; set; }
    public string Director { get; set; }
    public string Writer { get; set; }
    public string Producer { get; set; }
    public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
    public byte Rating { get; set; }
    public string TrailerURI { get; set; }
    public virtual ICollection<Stock> Stocks { get; set; }

Class 2 :

public class MovieViewModel : IValidatableObject
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public string Image { get; set; }
    public string Genre { get; set; }
    public int GenreId { get; set; }
    public string Director { get; set; }
    public string Writer { get; set; }
    public string Producer { get; set; }
    public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }
    public byte Rating { get; set; }
    public string TrailerURI { get; set; }
    public bool IsAvailable { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfStocks { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        var validator = new MovieViewModelValidator();
        var result = validator.Validate(this);
        return result.Errors.Select(item => new ValidationResult(item.ErrorMessage, new[] { item.PropertyName }));

I've tried to map in constructor of a class cause Automapper does not have method Configure() to override:

public class DomainToViewModelMappingProfile : Profile
    public override string ProfileName
        get { return "DomainToViewModelMappings"; }

    public DomainToViewModelMappingProfile()
        Mapper.Initialize(cfg => {
           cfg.CreateMap<Genre, GenreViewModel>()
                    .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfMovies, map => map.MapFrom(g => g.Movies.Count()));

           cfg.CreateMap<Movie, MovieViewModel>()
             .ForMember(vm => vm.Genre, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Genre.Name))
             .ForMember(vm => vm.GenreId, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Genre.ID))
             .ForMember(vm => vm.IsAvailable, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Stocks.Any(s => s.IsAvailable)))
             .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfStocks, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Stocks.Count))
             .ForMember(vm => vm.Image, map => map.MapFrom(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Image) == true ? "unknown.jpg" : m.Image));

And I've got the following exception:

Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.

Mapping types: Movie -> MovieViewModel HomeCinema.Entities.Movie -> HomeCinema.Web.Models.MovieViewModel

I've tried to figure out what property is a reason of this exception through Ignore() method, however, I still get the above exception.

 cfg.CreateMap<Genre, GenreViewModel>()
                    .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfMovies, map => map.MapFrom(g => g.Movies.Count()));

 cfg.CreateMap<Movie, MovieViewModel>()
    .ForMember(vm => vm.Genre, map => map.Ignore())
    .ForMember(vm => vm.GenreId, map => map.Ignore())
    .ForMember(vm => vm.IsAvailable, map => map.Ignore())
    .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfStocks, map => map.Ignore())
    .ForMember(vm => vm.Image, map => map.Ignore());

Forgot to say that I am calling the following method in Global.asax.cs:


Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The most interesting point that this code is valid in AutoMapper


It works!:) Thanks to all you, guys, and special thanks to @AndriiLitvinov. The work code:

public class DomainToViewModelMappingProfile : Profile
    public override string ProfileName
        get { return "DomainToViewModelMappings"; }

    public DomainToViewModelMappingProfile()

        CreateMap<Genre, GenreViewModel>()
                    .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfMovies, map => map.MapFrom(g => g.Movies.Count()));

        CreateMap<Movie, MovieViewModel>()
         .ForMember(vm => vm.Genre, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Genre.Name))
         .ForMember(vm => vm.GenreId, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Genre.ID))
         .ForMember(vm => vm.IsAvailable, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Stocks.Any(s => s.IsAvailable)))
         .ForMember(vm => vm.NumberOfStocks, map => map.MapFrom(m => m.Stocks.Count))
         .ForMember(vm => vm.Image, map => map.MapFrom(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Image) == true ? "unknown.jpg" : m.Image));

and call Initialize() just one time:

protected void Application_Start()
   var config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;


public class AutoMapperConfiguration
    public static void Configure()
        Mapper.Initialize(x =>

public class Bootstrapper
    public static void `Run()
        //Configure Autofac

        //Configure Automapper

Upvotes: 3

Views: 5226

Answers (2)

Andrii Litvinov
Andrii Litvinov

Reputation: 13192

I have tried to implement such mapping locally and it all worked. I assume that you have many profiles that all call Mapper.Initialize as far as I remember it is meant to be called only once at application startup and all the profiles should call CreateMap method:

public class MappingProfile : Profile
    public MappingProfile()
        CreateMap<Foo, Bar>();

Upvotes: 6

When you call Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); method you must make sure that each and every property has a valid source and target to map. If you do not have valid source and target for each property you get an error. If you look at the error message in fact it will tell you in detail. I just skimmed through your code but for example public virtual ICollection<Stock> Stocks { get; set; } does not have a mapping.

Upvotes: 1

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