Reputation: 71
I have been having this issue since I began to write scripts with Python.
Even though I add "width" and "Height" flags to the main "window" command, the size is always adjusted according to recent manipulation. . Know what I mean?
Isn't it supposed to give me always the same size that I type after width and height flags?
What is the problem?
I do not want to use sizeable flag because I always need to adjust them while working with the windows.
What might possibly be the true reason behind this weird behaviour??
I want to open my window regardless of How many times I adjust its size by dragging the corner of the window ...
If necessary, here is my python code...
import maya.cmds as cmds
def createGUI():
#If the window already exists, it will delete it.
if cmds.window('myWindow',exists=True):
#Creation window command
winControl=cmds.window('myWindow',title='BookShelf Generator',resizeToFitChildren=True, sizeable=False) #s=False does not allow the user to change the size of the window
#Windows Layout
#Top Part
#Header image
cmds.image( image='/home/s4915717/Stefano_Feltre_Scripting/artefacts/Images/UIheader02.png' )
cmds.frameLayout( label='BookShelf Options',collapsable=False, mw=5, mh=5 )
cmds.text(label='Modify the value on the interace to create different aspect of the BookShelf.', align='center', height = 20)
#Center Part
ShelfSizeControl=cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Shelfs Size',minValue=5.0,maxValue=200.0, value=50.0,field=True)
NumShelfsColumnControl = cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Num Shelfs Column', minValue=1, maxValue=10, value=3,field=True)
NumShelfsRowControl = cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Num Shelfs Row', minValue=1, maxValue=10, value=3,field=True)
GapShelfsColumnControl = cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Gap Column Shelfs', minValue=10, maxValue=50, value=10,field=True)
GapShelfsRowControl = cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Gap Row Shelfs', minValue=1, maxValue=30, value=1,field=True)
GapBooksControl = cmds.intSliderGrp(label='Gap Books', minValue=0, maxValue=1, value=0,field=True) #da controllare il valore massimo
cmds.text(label='Books Direction', align='center', height = 20)
DirectionControl = cmds.radioCollection()
Direction0 = cmds.radioButton( label='Front',align='left')
Direction1 = cmds.radioButton( label='Back',align='center')
Direction2 = cmds.radioButton( label='Random',align='right')
cmds.radioCollection( DirectionControl, edit=True, select=Direction0 )
#Bottom Part
#cmds.shelfButton(annotation='BookShelf Generator - Stefano Feltre', image = "commandButton.png", l='BookShelf', p='Custom', imageOverlayLabel='Spider', overlayLabelBackColor=(.6, .6, .6, .6), command=str("from SpiderGen import gui;reload(gui);gui.createUI()"))
#vedere come caricare un bottone nel custom
cmds.text(label='Stefano Feltre - 2017', w=400, h=30, font="smallPlainLabelFont")
#This command make appear the window
I found a MEL code to add after the command "showwindow". But I'm not able to translate it in Python...Here it is:
if (`window -q -ex $winName`) deleteUI $winName;
window -t "BookShelf Generator" $winName;
showWindow $winName;
window -e -wh 150 200 $winName;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4747
Reputation: 5895
After you show your window just use the same window command and make what ever size you want ?
cmds.window('myWindow', e=True, width=500, height=800)
Upvotes: 6