Reputation: 79
I am working on a tkinter script which has a vertical and horizontal scrollbar. A portion of the window below the vertical scrollbar is not picking up the background color I'm applying.
I have tried the following color options still the small portion is not picking up.
Sample window snapshot
Full Code:
from tkinter.tix import *
from tkinter import *
import collections
root = Tk()
root.configure(background='steel blue')
# Global variables
fname = ''
# Variables for setting the height and width of widget
# Variables to set Height
actualRootHeight = 300
rootHScale = 25
rootHOffset = 100
canvasHeight = 300
root2CanvasHMargin =65
# Variables to set Width
rootWScale = 10
rootWOffset = 200
canvasWidth = 300
root2CanvasWMargin = 20
inpWidth = 0
# Lists to save configs
inpParamList = collections.OrderedDict()
paramListRef = collections.OrderedDict()
updatedParamList = collections.OrderedDict()
entryList = []
labels = []
# All widget coding is done here
class guiList(Frame):
global root
# Constructor - Use as a control structure
def __init__(self,parent):
self.parent = parent
def onFrameConfigure(self, event, Canvas1):
# Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame
Canvas1.configure(scrollregion=Canvas1.bbox("all"), background='steel blue')
# All widget edition is done here
def initUI(self):
global paramListRef
titleStr = sys.argv[1]
self.grid(row=0, column=0)
inpConfigs = inpParamList.items()
# Add a canvas and call Frame as it's child widget
# Scrollbar can be added to Canvas
Canvas1 = Canvas(self, width=canvasWidth, height=canvasHeight, borderwidth=0, bg="light steel blue")
vsb = Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical", command=Canvas1.yview, bg="light steel blue", troughcolor="steel blue", highlightcolor="light steel blue", activebackground="light steel blue", highlightbackground="light steel blue")
vsb.grid(column=2, sticky='NS')
hsb = Scrollbar(self, orient="horizontal", command=Canvas1.xview, bg="light steel blue", troughcolor="steel blue")
hsb.grid(column=0, sticky='EW')
Canvas1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='NWES')
# Create new Frame for input configs
Frame1 = Frame(Canvas1, width=canvasWidth, height=canvasHeight, bg="light steel blue")
Canvas1.create_window((1,1),window=Frame1, anchor="nw", tags="Frame1")
Frame1.bind("<Configure>", lambda event, arg=Canvas1: self.onFrameConfigure(event, arg))
# Loop through the input configs
i = 0
# Add label and combobox in loop
for k,v in inpConfigs:
# Label widgets
lbl1 = Label(Frame1, text=k, bg="light steel blue", font=("Helvetica", 12, "bold"), fg="steel blue")
lbl1.grid(row = i, column = 0, padx=10, pady=5, sticky='W')
# Combo-box widget for configurations
tkvar = StringVar(Frame1)
entry1 = OptionMenu(Frame1, tkvar, *v)
entry1.configure(width=20, anchor=W, bg="steel blue", fg="white", font=("Helvetica", 11, "bold"))
entry1.grid(row = i, column=1, padx=10, pady=5, sticky='E')
#entry1.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=2)
paramListRef[k] = tkvar
i += 1
# Read the updated configs after the button click
def readUpdatedParams(self):
global updatedParamList
for k,v in paramListRef.items():
updatedParamList[k] = v.get()
# Seperate Frame for buttons
# Upon clicking read updted params
def controlUI(self):
Frame2 = Frame(self, bg="steel blue")
Frame2.grid(row=2, column = 0, sticky="EW")
b = Button(Frame2, text="OK", command=self.readUpdatedParams, bg="light steel blue", fg="steel blue", font=("Helvetica", 11, "bold"))
#b.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=10)
b.pack(fill="none", expand=True, pady = 10)
# Read the file and create a key, value pair for configs
# Lines in file is split with space as delimiter
# First column is the config name and rest are all possible value
def readParams(self):
global inpParamList
global inpWidth
f = open(fname)
for line in f:
val = {}
val = line.split()
key = val.pop(0)
# Get the max width of key to adjust widget width
inpWidth = len(key) if (len(key) > inpWidth) else inpWidth
inpParamList[key] = val
# Geometry ( X-width x Y-width + X-position + Y-position)
# Based on the number of elements in the config list
# the height of the widget is set (Max is 75% of screen size)
def setGeometry(self):
global actualRootHeight
global canvasWidth
global canvasHeight
listLen = len(inpParamList)
rootWinwidth = int(inpWidth *rootWScale) + rootWOffset
rootWinheight = (listLen * rootHScale ) + rootHOffset
screenWidth = self.winfo_screenwidth()
screenHeight = int(self.winfo_screenheight() * 0.75)
if rootWinheight < screenHeight :
actualRootHeight = rootWinheight
else :
actualRootHeight = screenHeight
canvasWidth = rootWinwidth - root2CanvasWMargin
canvasHeight = actualRootHeight - root2CanvasHMargin
rootWinresolution = str(rootWinwidth)+'x'+str(actualRootHeight)+'+'+'0'+'+'+'0'
# Sub routine to write back the config file.
def writeBack(self):
fr = open("bt_top.param.config",'w')
for k,v in updatedParamList.items():
fr.write(" ")
# Main Function
# Define Window geometry and other top level stuff here
# Do not go into widget coding here
def main():
global fname
# Get File name from command line argument
fname = sys.argv[2]
app = guiList(root)
# The __name__ variable decides what to run
# Below lines make this file run stand-alone
if __name__ == '__main__':
Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3087
Reputation: 14261
The piece of black is the background of self
, your guiList
class. Add a line self.config(bg="steel blue")
to its __init__()
function (or to initUI()
I suppose) to fix it.
Upvotes: 1