Reputation: 191
I am implementing telenor easypay API, Which consist of two Webservices to the first one I post my store id and other information which give me successful response with Auth_token and postbackurl.When I post the auth token and postback url to the next webservice URL
it redirects me to easypaisa checkout screen which show me the following error on easypay checkout screen.
My code:
private class PostTask extends AsyncTask < String, String, String > {
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected String doInBackground( {
OkHttpClient client; // = new OkHttpClient();
client = getUnsafeOkHttpClient();
client.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
return true;
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "amount=10&orderRefNum=110&storeId=xxxx&postBackURL=");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = null;
String resp = null;
try {
response = client.newCall(request).execute();
resp = response.body().string();
} catch (IOException e) {
//return resp;
return response.request().url().toString();
protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
Log.e("data", s);
try {
String[] ist = s.split("=");
String[] snd = ist[1].split("&");
Token = snd[0];
Log.e("token", Token);
Log.e("posturl", ist[2]);
pburl = ist[2];
// Log.e("pburl", pburl);
/* Intent ii = new Intent(MainActivity.this, Payment_details.class);
ii.putExtra("data", token);
} catch (Exception e) {
private class PostTask1 extends AsyncTask < String, String, String > {
String mtoken;
String PBURL;
public PostTask1(String token, String pb) {
mtoken = token;
PBURL = pb;
protected String doInBackground( {
OkHttpClient client; // = new OkHttpClient();
client = getUnsafeOkHttpClient();
client.setHostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
return true;
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "auth_token=" + mtoken + "&postBackURL=");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.addHeader("cache-control", "no-cache")
Response response = null;
String resp = null;
try {
response = client.newCall(request).execute();
resp = response.body().string();
} catch (Exception e) {
return response.request().url().toString();
protected void onPostExecute(String s) {
Log.e("data", s);
//here i redirect to webview activity
Intent ii = new Intent(MainActivity.this, Payment_details.class);
ii.putExtra("data", s);
// Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(s));
// startActivity(browserIntent);
Upvotes: 3
Views: 7752
Reputation: 191
I have solved the issue and implemented Telenor easypay API, The magic is we will do all the things in webview... using webview will post data to first URL it will return auth_token and postbackurl attached to the url... then post auth_token and postbackurl to the second URL in webview it will successfully land you on easypay checkout screen.
public class Payment_details extends AppCompatActivity {
private WebView webView;
String postData = null;
private RelativeLayout mConfirm;
String data;
boolean isFirst = true;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mConfirm = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
webView = (WebView) findViewById(;
data = "";
Log.e("data", data);
try {
postData = URLEncoder.encode("amount", "UTF-8")
+ "=" + URLEncoder.encode("10", "UTF-8");
postData += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("storeId", "UTF-8") + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("xxxx", "UTF-8");
postData += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("postBackURL", "UTF-8")
+ "=" + URLEncoder.encode("your post back url any url", "UTF-8");
postData += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("orderRefNum", "UTF-8")
+ "=" + URLEncoder.encode("1111", "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());
WebSettings settings = webView.getSettings();
webView.postUrl(data, postData.getBytes());
private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
return true;
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
Log.e("purl", url);
if(isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
String[] ist = url.split("=");
String[] snd = ist[1].split("&");
String Token = snd[0];
Log.e("token", Token);
Log.e("posturl", ist[2]);
secondredirect(Token, view);
public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);
public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler, SslError error) {
public void onBackPressed() {
private void secondredirect(String token, WebView view){
String sData = null;
String sURL = "";
try {
sData = URLEncoder.encode("auth_token", "UTF-8")
+ "=" + URLEncoder.encode(token, "UTF-8");
sData += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("postBackURL", "UTF-8") + "="
+ URLEncoder.encode("any url as a postback url", "UTF-8");
view.postUrl(sURL, sData.getBytes());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
Upvotes: 15