Reputation: 3389
It takes about 2 minutes to complete these loops does any know how I can speed this up / create the images faster other than changing the amount of colours or the amount of cells used? Would vectorization help at all and if so how should I do this? Basically it creates a frame of an animation each loop
see code below
clear all,clf reset,tic,clc,clf
rgb1 = jet(256);
len1 = size(rgb1,1);
RGB1 = permute(rgb1,[3 1 2]);
figure; imshow(RGB1); %bar of colors
len2 = 200;
num2use=numel(num2str(length(rgb1)))+1 %count how many values and add 1. can use R also
lead_zeros=strcat('%0',num2str(num2use),'d'); %creates variable needed
for ii=0:length(rgb1)
t = linspace(0,4*pi,len2);
x = t.*cos(t);
y = t.*sin(t);
%rgb2 = interp1(1:len1,rgb1,linspace(1,len1,len2));
rgb2 = interp1(1:len1,rgb1_shift,linspace(1,len1,len2));
[xg,yg] = meshgrid([-t(end:-1:2) t],[-t(end:-1:2) t]);
RGB2 = zeros([size(xg) 3]);
% interpolate for the desired coordinates
for c = 1:3
RGB2(:,:,c) = griddata(x,y,rgb2(:,c),xg,yg);
imwrite(RGB2,strcat('/tmp/img2/',sprintf(lead_zeros, ii),'_spiral','.png')); %will create file without borders and use any resize in repmat
fprintf('\nfinally Done-elapsed time -%4.4fsec- or -%4.4fmins- or -%4.4fhours-\n',toc,toc/60,toc/3600);
Ps: I'm using Octave 4.0 which is similar to matlab
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Views: 725
Reputation: 4953
There are few mistakes here which fixing them can improve the speed greatly:
t = linspace(0,4*pi,len2);
, x = t.*cos(t);
, y = t.*sin(t);
, [xg,yg] = meshgrid([-t(end:-1:2) t],[-t(end:-1:2) t]);
and RGB2 = zeros([size(xg) 3]);
outside the loop.RGB2
directly by RGB2(:) = cat(3, griddata(x,y,rgb2(:,1),xg,yg), griddata(x,y,rgb2(:,2),xg,yg), griddata(x,y,rgb2(:,3),xg,yg))
to avoid reallocation of the array in memory.If you explain what exactly you're trying to of we might be even more helpful.
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