Reputation: 21
I'm trying to copy disjointed cells from an excel document to the cursor location in word and use my predefined table style.
The disjoint copy/paste works nicely in excel when I just copy and paste into the current active worksheet, but as soon as I try to execute the same copy/paste from word, it ends up copying the entire table from top-left all the way to bottom-right, instead of doing the disjointed copy/paste.
I know there are some differences between the individual function from excel VBA to word VBA, but I thought it's possible to get around that by specifying the library when calling functions.
Seen below is a successful disjointed copy:
Here is the functioning excel code, edited for length.
The code within if Copy3
is the interesting part:
Sub GrabExcelTables()
' !Initializing everything
Dim phasesArray As Variant
phasesArray = Array("Scoping", "Umsetzung (Dev)", "Go Live")
With wsFrom
'Copy schema for tables 1 and 2
' !Omitted for length
'Copy schema for tables 3 and 4
' !Omitted for length
'Copy schema for tables 5 and 6
If Copy3 Then
'Iterate through all columns to find which ones are filled
For colCounter = Left + 1 To Right - 1
If .Cells(22, colCounter).Value <> "-" Then
wantedColumn.Add colCounter
End If
Next colCounter
'Initialize RangeToCopy with top left cell of table
Set RangeToCopy = .Cells(22, Left)
'Iterate through all rows
For rowCounter = 22 To 29
'Only check those rows desired i.e. part of phasesArray
If (IsInArray(.Cells(rowCounter, Left).Value, phasesArray) Or rowCounter = 22 Or rowCounter = 29) Then
'Union row phase header
Set RangeToCopy = Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, Left))
'Add all columns within row that were selected as filled earlier
For Each col In wantedColumn
Set RangeToCopy = Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, col))
Next col
'Union final total column
Set RangeToCopy = Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, Right))
End If
Next rowCounter
End If
'Copy schema for table 7
' !Omitted for length
'Copy range
.Range("A42").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
End With
Set RangeToCopy = Nothing
End Sub
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
Now pretty much the same code except adapted to word VBA, again edited for length:
Sub GrabExcelTables()
' !Initializing everything
Dim phasesArray As Variant
phasesArray = Array("Scoping", "Umsetzung (Dev)", "Go Live")
'specify the workbook to work on
WorkbookToWorkOn = ActiveDocument.Path & "\Kalkulationssheet_edit.xlsx"
Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Open the workbook
Set oWB = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=WorkbookToWorkOn)
Set wsFrom = oWB.Sheets(7)
' !Initializing everything
With wsFrom
'Copy schema for tables 1 and 2
' !Omitted for length
'Copy schema for tables 3 and 4
' !Omitted for length
'Copy schema for tables 5 and 6
If Copy3 Then
'Iterate through all columns to find which ones are filled
For colCounter = Left + 1 To Right - 1
If .Cells(22, colCounter).Value <> "-" Then
wantedColumn.Add colCounter
'MsgBox "Wanted Column: " & colCounter
End If
Next colCounter
'Initialize RangeToCopy with top left cell of table
Set RangeToCopy = .Cells(22, Left)
'Iterate through all rows
For rowCounter = 22 To 29
'Only check those rows desired i.e. part of phasesArray
If (IsInArray(.Cells(rowCounter, Left).Value, phasesArray) Or rowCounter = 22 Or rowCounter = 29) Then
'MsgBox "rowCounter: " & rowCounter & "cell value: " & .Cells(rowCounter, Left).Value
'Union row phase header
Set RangeToCopy = Excel.Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, Left))
'Add all columns within row that were selected as filled earlier
For Each col In wantedColumn
Set RangeToCopy = Excel.Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, col))
Next col
'Union final total column
Set RangeToCopy = Excel.Union(RangeToCopy, .Cells(rowCounter, Right))
End If
Next rowCounter
End If
'Copy schema for table 7
' !Omitted for length
'Copy range
'MsgBox RangeToCopy.Text
'MsgBox RangeToCopy.Value
'.Range("A42").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
End With
'MsgBox Range.Text
Selection.PasteExcelTable False, True, False
'Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteRTF
Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdLine, count:=11
Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, count:=1
ActiveWindow.View.ShowXMLMarkup = wdToggle
Selection.Tables(1).Style = "StandardAngebotTable"
'Release object references
oWB.Close SaveChanges:=True
Set oWB = Nothing
Set RangeToCopy = Nothing
Set oXL = Nothing
Exit Sub
' Error Handler
Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = (UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1)
End Function
The changing of table style and pasting into the correct position works exactly as expected, but using the exact same code from excel with Excel library calls doesn't function as expected.
Instead of getting a nice disjointed copy/paste, I always copy past the entire table, or more specifically a rectangle from the top-left most cell to the bottom-right most cell.
Does anyone know a way to force word vba to use the same copy/paste commands from excel? The other idea I had was to just fill the table cell for cell, but that would require quite a bit of code restructuring and would be nice if I didn't need to do that. Thanks for the help!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 295
Reputation: 14547
Personally, I'd try using
Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteHTML
Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteOLEObject
instead of
Selection.PasteExcelTable False, True, False
If this one isn't what you expect, here are the other members of that Enum :
Upvotes: 2