Reputation: 81
Recently I need to import mysql data into postgres database in Heroku. Actcually it includes several steps:
After referring plenty of materials and testing several tools in github, finally I succeed. Here I want to share some of my experience and references.
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Views: 2221
Reputation: 81
Firstly, I list some tools for converting mysql database format into postgresql format.
mysqldump -u username -p --compatible=postgresql databasename > outputfile.sql
then use the converter to transfer data into *.psql
file. then load new dump into a fresh PostgreSQL database.
You have already activated test-unit 2.5.5, but your Gemfile requires test-unit 3.2.3. #95
file for configuration. There is a nice reference table in README file called Data Type Conversion Legend, which compares different data type between MySQL and PostgreSQL. You can manually modify the data type. ** This website lists some other converting methods.
Some basic operations in PostgreSQL:
$sudo su - postgres
$createtedb testdb
$psql testdb
=# create user username password ' password ';
-- To change a password:
=# alter role username password ' password ';
=# create database databasename with encoding 'utf8';
How to list all database in postgres: PostgreSQL - SELECT Database
postgres-# \l
List of databases
Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
postgres | postgres | UTF8 | C | C |
template0 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
template1 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +
| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
testdb | postgres | UTF8 | C | C |
(4 rows)
Now type the below command to connect/select a desired database, here we will connect to the testdb database:
postgres=# \c testdb;
psql (9.2.4)
Type "help" for help.
You are now connected to database "testdb" as user "postgres".
After you create your database, import the converted tables into psql. Kindly note that a database should be created before importing data.
$psql -h server -d databasename -U username -f data.sql
(sometimes a sudo -u postgres
should be added before psql)
How to generate dump of psql using pg_dump: creating dump file
$sudo -u postgres pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres databasename > mydb.dump
The next step, how to import data into Heroku Postgres? After previous steps, you may have import data into your local PostgresSQL or generate a pg_dump file. Here two methods will be introduced to transfer data to remote Heroku Postgres.
use pg_dump file.reference
Use the raw file URL in the pg:backups restore
$ heroku pg:backups:restore '' DATABASE_URL
In this case, you should firstly upload the dump file to somewhere with an HTTP-accessible URL. The dev center in Heroku recommend using Amazon S3.
of the database you wish to restore to. For example, my database url is postgresql-globular-XXXXX.
use pg:push
will push data from your local psql database into remote Heroku Postgres database. The command looks like this:
$heroku pg:push mylocaldb DATABASE_URL --app sushi
This command will take the local database "mylocaldb" and push it to the database at DATABASE_URL
on the app "sushi". Kindly note that the remote database must be empty before performing pg:push
in order to prevent accidental data overwrites and loss.
Actually I use this pg:push
method and succeed finally.
More information about Heroku Postgres can be found in official document of Heroku.
heroku logs --tail
How to write the Procfile of Django Apps? A common Procfile of Django projects will look like this:
web: gunicorn yourprojectname.wsgi --log-file -
Here web is a single process type. What we need to modify is yourprojectname.wsgi
. Just replace your project name in the prefix.
How to add Gunicorn to your application?
$ pip install gunicorn
$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
How to run command line in remote Heroku server?
You can execute the bash
command in Heroku.
$heroku run bash
Running bash attached to terminal... up, run.1
~ $ ls
Then you can do some command such ls
, cd
just like in your local bash.
Also, you can use commands in this pattern to execute
in remote Heroku:heroku run python runserver
Upvotes: 2