Reputation: 24973
Can't get Angular4 to work with lazy loading and animation.
So I loaded BrowserAnimationsModule
in my app-modules.ts and animation works fine in main module, but not in lazy loaded modules, so I tried to load
in my shared module as I get an error of :
Unhandled Promise rejection: BrowserModule has already been loaded.
If you need access to common directives
This is my shared module:
var sharedComponents = [Tabs, Tab, Infobox, Sliderpanel, Slideritem, SlideritemContent, PanelSplitMain, PanelSplitSide, PanelSplitContainer, ListToArrayPipe, FormatSecondsPipe, MatchBodyHeight, ScreenTemplate, BlurForwarder, DraggableList, AddContent, Loading,
FontSelector, BlockPropContainer, BlockPropCommon, BlockPropHtml, BlockPropClock, BlockPropWeather, BlockPropInstagram, BlockPropJsonPlayer, BlockPropJsonItem, LivePreview, LocationMap, MediaPlayer, FilterModelPipe, SvgIcon,
BlockPropScene, BlockPropCalendar, BlockPropSheets, BlockPropTwitter, BlockPropVideo, BlockPropImage, BlockPropLabel, BlockPropMrss, BlockPropLocation, BlockPropRss, BlockPropDigg, BlockPropFasterQ, BlockPropCollection, BlockPropQR, BlockPropYouTube, JsonEventGrid];
imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, JsonpModule, ReactiveFormsModule, ContextMenuModule, ChartModule, ReactiveFormsModule, ColorPickerModule, DropdownModule, RadioButtonModule, SimpleGridModule, Ng2Bs3ModalModule, AgmCoreModule, VgCoreModule, VgControlsModule, VgOverlayPlayModule, VgBufferingModule],
exports: [CommonModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, JsonpModule, ReactiveFormsModule, ContextMenuModule, ChartModule, ColorPickerModule, DropdownModule, RadioButtonModule, SimpleGridModule, Ng2Bs3ModalModule, AgmCoreModule, VgCoreModule, VgControlsModule, VgOverlayPlayModule, VgBufferingModule, ...sharedComponents],
entryComponents: [ScreenTemplate],
declarations: [...sharedComponents]
export class SharedModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: SharedModule,
providers: []
and as soon as I add to it the BrowserAnimationsModule
it will error out,
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1716
Reputation: 7636
It seems you can only import BrowserModule or BrowserAnimationsModule and it has to be in the root app module as explained in this github issue:
The solution is to import BrowserAnimationsModule only on app.module
Just posting here if anyone stumbles across the same issue
Upvotes: 2