Reputation: 321

Timer in Windows batch file

Can someone point me to a way of adding a timer to a Windows batch file? I need to track the time my batch runs from start.

Upvotes: 22

Views: 42553

Answers (7)


Reputation: 57252

I think the best option will be to use powershell as

@echo off
for /f %%t in ('powershell "(get-date).tofiletime()"') do set mst=%%t

rem some commands

powershell ((get-date).tofiletime() - %mst%)

this will print the time passed in milliseconds

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 21

This timer is pretty accurate, and counts down from 5. I'm not sure how you could add this into your code though. Note:This is a very basic batch timer, and the other answers are probably better, but this is just a quick way to design your own batch timer with simple code.

@echo off
set /a time=5
echo Time:%time%
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
set /a time=%time%-1
if %time%==0 (
goto timeup
)else goto :hi
echo Time is up!

Also to change the time this timer starts at, just change set /a time=5 to set /a time=(whatever time you want to start at)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1123

You can try this one(Shorter..)

@echo off
set TA=%time% & echo %time%--A

echo Put Your Code Here...

set TB=%time% & echo %time%--B

call:Timediff %TA% %TB% Tab
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=:" %%a in ("%TAB%")do echo Time difference: %%a hours %%b minutes and %%c seconds

:: /* ---------- Timediff ---------------
:Timediff [%t1%] [%t2%] [par|0]
for %%a in (+%1 +%2 +%3)do if "%%a"=="+" echo No Parameters!!&exit/b
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set P2=%~1&set "P2=!P2::=!"
set/a P2=%P2:.=%-4000*(%P2:~,4%+60*%P2:~,2%)
if not "%3"=="" set P1=!P2!&shift&goto:timediff_1
if !P2! geq !P1! (set/a df=!P2!-!P1!) else set/a df=!P2!-!P1!+8640000
set/a h=df/360000,m=df%%360000/6000,s=df%%6000/100,pt=df%%100
if %pt% leq 9 set pt=0%pt%
endlocal&if %2.==0. (echo\%h%:%m%:%s%.%pt%) else set %2=%h%:%m%:%s%.%pt%&goto:eof
:: ------------- Timediff ------------- */

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1685

A minimalistic version with elapsed time in seconds.

@set /A _tic=%time:~0,2%*3600^
            +%time:~7,1% >nul

:: actual script

@set /A _toc=%time:~0,2%*3600^
            +%time:~7,1% >nul

@set /A _elapsed=%_toc%-%_tic
@echo %_elapsed% seconds.

Upvotes: 11

Paul Tomasi
Paul Tomasi

Reputation: 685

Structure your program like this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelyedexpansion

set T[1]=%time%

 :: Your program goes here...

set T[2]=%time%
call TIMER

Here is the code for the TIMER.BAT program. Save it as a seperate file somewhere in your path.

for /l %%t in (1,1,2) do for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:." %%a in ("!T[%%t]!") do (
 set "T[%%t]=!T[%%t]: =0!"
 set "h[%%t]=%%a" & if "!h[%%t]:~0,1!"=="0" set "h[%%t]=!h[%%t]:~1!"
 set "m[%%t]=%%b" & if "!m[%%t]:~0,1!"=="0" set "m[%%t]=!m[%%t]:~1!"
 set "s[%%t]=%%c" & if "!s[%%t]:~0,1!"=="0" set "s[%%t]=!s[%%t]:~1!"
 set "c[%%t]=%%d" & if "!c[%%t]:~0,1!"=="0" set "c[%%t]=!c[%%t]:~1!"
 set /a T[%%t]=!h[%%t]!*360000+!m[%%t]!*6000+!s[%%t]!*100+!c[%%t]!

set /a c=!T[2]!-!T[1]!
set /a h=!c!/360000 & set /a c%%=360000 & if !h! lss 10 set "h= !h!"
set /a m=!c!/6000   & set /a c%%=6000   & if !m! lss 10 set "m=0!m!"
set /a s=!c!/100    & set /a c%%=100    & if !s! lss 10 set "s=0!s!"
echo !h!:!m!:!s!.!c!

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 10337

Refactored the code to calculate the elapsed time:

  • less code in calculation,
  • provided padding for elapsed time less than .1 seconds,
  • using labels to allow calling it multiple times, and to group the timer code.

Reusable code:

:: Store start time
set StartTIME=%TIME%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%f in (`echo %StartTIME: =0%`) do set /a Start100S=1%%f*360000+1%%g*6000+1%%h*100+1%%i-36610100
goto :EOF

:: Get the end time
set StopTIME=%TIME%
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%f in (`echo %StopTIME: =0%`) do set /a Stop100S=1%%f*360000+1%%g*6000+1%%h*100+1%%i-36610100
:: Test midnight rollover. If so, add 1 day=8640000 1/100ths secs
if %Stop100S% LSS %Start100S% set /a Stop100S+=8640000
set /a TookTime=%Stop100S%-%Start100S%
set TookTimePadded=0%TookTime%
goto :EOF

:: Show timer start/stop/delta
echo Started: %StartTime%
echo Stopped: %StopTime%
echo Elapsed: %TookTime:~0,-2%.%TookTimePadded:~-2% seconds
goto :EOF

Calling code:

call :StartTimer
:: Add your script functionality here
call :StopTimer
call :DisplayTimerResult

call :StartTimer
:: Add more script functionality here
call :StopTimer
call :DisplayTimerResult
goto :EOF

Note the "1"-prefix to avoid interpretation errors of zero-padded values as octal values (08 and 09), and the correction with the appropriate constant. As this might be confusing to understand the core calculation, an alternative to the one-line for statement would be something like the following:

for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%f in (`echo.%StartTIME%`) do set TempTIME=%%f %%g %%h %%i
for /f "usebackq tokens=1-4" %%f in (`echo %TempTIME: 0= %`) do set /a Start100S=%%f*360000+%%g*6000+%%h*100+%%i

Upvotes: 20


Reputation: 13690

As far as I know there is no explicit 'timer' command you can use in batch files - however there is a fairly simple solution. At the top of your batch file record the current time (start time) at the end of the batch file record the current time (end time) and then compare the two. Something like this should do it (it does seem overly complicated but it handles most quirks of time):

:: Store start time
set StartTIME=%TIME%
set H=%StartTIME:~0,2%
if "%H:~0,1%"==" " set H=%H:~1,1%
if "%H:~0,1%"=="0" set H=%H:~1,1%
set M=%StartTIME:~3,2%
if "%M:~0,1%"=="0" set M=%M:~1,1%
set S=%StartTIME:~6,2%
if "%S:~0,1%"=="0" set S=%S:~1,1%
set U=%StartTIME:~9,2%
if "%U:~0,1%"=="0" set U=%U:~1,1%
set /a Start100S=%H%*360000+%M%*6000+%S%*100+%U%

:: Add your script functionality here

:: Get the end time
set StopTIME=%TIME%
set H=%StopTIME:~0,2%
if "%H:~0,1%"==" " set H=%H:~1,1%
if "%H:~0,1%"=="0" set H=%H:~1,1%
set M=%StopTIME:~3,2%
if "%M:~0,1%"=="0" set M=%M:~1,1%
set S=%StopTIME:~6,2%
if "%S:~0,1%"=="0" set S=%S:~1,1%
set U=%StopTIME:~9,2%
if "%U:~0,1%"=="0" set U=%U:~1,1%

set /a Stop100S=%H%*360000+%M%*6000+%S%*100+%U%

:: Test midnight rollover. If so, add 1 day=8640000 1/100ths secs
if %Stop100S% LSS %Start100S% set /a Stop100S+=8640000
set /a TookTime=%Stop100S%-%Start100S%

echo Started: %StartTime%
echo Stopped: %StopTime%
echo Elapsed: %TookTime:~0,-2%.%TookTime:~-2% seconds

Alternatively #1 : The Windows Server 2k3 resource kit includes timeit.exe. You can use this to display various performance stats for your script.

Alternatively #2 : You could go much simpler than the script posted above and do this:

echo %time% 
:: Your script functionality
echo %time%

However, this won't give you execution time in seconds.

Upvotes: 3

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