harsh sharma
harsh sharma

Reputation: 75

How can i download only latest file by Get-AzureStorageBlobContent

I Have written this code. How can i download only latest file?

$container_name = 'packageitems'
$destination_path = 'C:\pstest'
$connection_string = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[REPLACEWITHACCOUNTNAME];AccountKey=[REPLACEWITHACCOUNTKEY]'

$storage_account = New-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $connection_string

$blobs = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $container_name -Context $storage_account

foreach ($blob in $blobs)
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destination_path

    Get-AzureStorageBlobContent `
    -Container $container_name -Blob $blob.Name -Destination $destination_path `
    -Context $storage_account


Upvotes: 1

Views: 5107

Answers (1)

Gaurav Mantri
Gaurav Mantri

Reputation: 136356

Try this code:

$container_name = 'packageitems'
$destination_path = 'C:\pstest'
$connection_string = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=[REPLACEWITHACCOUNTNAME];AccountKey=[REPLACEWITHACCOUNTKEY]'
$storage_account = New-AzureStorageContext -ConnectionString $connection_string
# Get the blobs list and then sort them by last modified date descending
$blobs = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $container_name -Context $storage_account  | sort @{expression="LastModified";Descending=$true}
# First blob in that list would be the last modified.
$latestBlob = $blobs[0]
# Just download that blob
Get-AzureStorageBlobContent `
    -Container $container_name -Blob $latestBlob.Name -Destination $destination_path `
    -Context $storage_account

What the code above does is lists the blobs and then sorts them in descending order based on the last modified date. The 1st element in the array will be the latest blob. It then downloads this blob.

Upvotes: 5

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