Reputation: 1776
I am porting an existing webapp that used Membership to a new app that uses Identity. I have updated all table definitions, created a new MVC 5 web application in VS Community Edition 2015, version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3, then brought in code from the old project, as well as some code I had tried in a project from Adam Freeman's book.
But UserManager etc seem to want both dbo.Users and dbo.AspNetUsers.
How do I initialize the Identity ApplicationDBContext so that UserManager, SignInManager etc can read from the database? Any assistance would be great.
Currently, when the Users table is named "Users", I get the following error:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Invalid object name 'dbo.AspNetUsers'.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.AspNetUsers'.
Line 150: User tempUser = await UserManager.FindAsync(model.UserName, model.Password);
And when the table is named "AspNetUsers" as suggested here, I get the error:
Invalid object name 'dbo.Users'.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Users'.
For reference, the Identity objects are not changed from the template definitions:
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("IdentityEFContext", throwIfV1Schema: false)
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
ApplicationUserManager manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>()));
public class ApplicationUser : User
public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<ApplicationUser> manager)
var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
return userIdentity;
The conventional EF code works, e.g.
private IdentityEFContext dbContext
return HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get<IdentityEFContext>();
List<Activity> Activities = dbContext.Activities.ToList();
List<User> Users = dbContext.Users.ToList();
The context definitions outside Identity are standard EF code first:
public class IdentityEFContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
public IdentityEFContext() : base("IdentityEFContext") { }
//public DbSet<UserLogin> UserLogins { get; set; }
//public DbSet<UserClaim> UserClaims { get; set; }
//public DbSet<UserRole> UserRoles { get; set; }
public DbSet<Activity> Activities { get; set; }
//public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
//public DbSet<User> AppUsers { get; set; }
The table name for users is defined using Fluent
public class UserConfig : EntityTypeConfiguration<User>
public UserConfig()
HasKey(u => u.Id);
Wonder if this is relevant. I tried the following, and applicationDBContext only contains roles and users. This should provide all the needed information, but thought I would report.
ApplicationDbContext db1 = context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>(); // contains ROLES And USERS
IdentityEFContext db2 = context.Get<IdentityEFContext>(); // contains all tables for all defined dbsets
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4870
Reputation: 2469
public class User : IdentityUser
public async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GenerateUserIdentityAsync(UserManager<User> manager)
// Note the authenticationType must match the one defined in CookieAuthenticationOptions.AuthenticationType
var userIdentity = await manager.CreateIdentityAsync(this, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
// Add custom user claims here
return userIdentity;
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("IdentityEFContext", throwIfV1Schema: false)
public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
return new ApplicationDbContext();
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public static ApplicationUserManager Create(IdentityFactoryOptions<ApplicationUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
ApplicationUserManager manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<User>(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>()));
Upvotes: 3