Reputation: 185
Not even sure if I asked the question the right way. Been looking at this for about an hour and its too simple to take to long. Trouble is I am too simple to know the answer or even how to correctly phrase a search to find the answer.
I have a history of jobs completed for a site set up.
public async Task<IActionResult> JobSiteHistory(int id, int? page)
var jobs = from j in _context.Job
.Include(j => j.Site)
select j;
int pageSize = 9;
return View(await PaginatedList<Job>.CreateAsync(jobs.AsNoTracking(), page ?? 1, pageSize));
This is returning the correct records all good.
I then have a view set up:
<h2> Site Jobs History</h2>
<a asp-action="Create">Add New Job</a>
<table class="table">
<th>Booking Date</th>
<th>Job Number</th>
<th>Job Description</th>
@foreach (var item in Model) {
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.BookingDate)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.JobNumber)</td>
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.WaterBody.WBName)</td>
<td>@item.JobDescription.Substring(0, Math.Min(item.JobDescription.Length, 30))</td>
<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-id="@item.JobID">Edit</a> |
<a asp-action="Details" asp-route-id="@item.JobID">Details</a> |
<a asp-action="Delete" asp-route-id="@item.JobID">Delete</a> |
This is working wellish so far.
All I want to do is add something like:
To the <h2>
element. I know this wont work as typed, thanks for thinking that.
I just cant see a way to add it. I considered ViewData
, but may be using it wrong as I cant get it to populate with SiteName
Is there a way to do this or am I thinking all ass about as usual?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 114
Reputation: 2313
The easiest change would be to use this:
<h2>@Html.DisplayFor(m => m[0].Site.SiteName);</h2>
Other options:
Is there any reason why you can't use the ViewBag? In controller:
ViewBag.SiteName =
In view:
If you must use your model to pass the whole site object then change your view model that you pass to the view.
You are currently returning a list of jobs with the site object for each job, but it looks like you only need it once.
I would change your view model to be something like:
public class SiteJobsHistoryModel
public Site Site { get; set;}
public PaginatedList<Job> Jobs { get; set; }
Then you don't have to include the site on your query, and just retrieve it once from the database:
var site = _context.Site.Single(j => j.Site.SiteID==id);
var jobs = from j in _context.Job
//.Include(j => j.Site) -- this can be removed
select j;
return View(new SiteJobsHistoryModel
Site = site,
Jobs = await PaginatedList<Job>.CreateAsync(jobs.AsNoTracking(), page ?? 1, pageSize)
Then for the title in <h2>
tag you can use:
And your foreach loop becomes:
@foreach (var item in Model.Jobs)
Upvotes: 1