Reputation: 188
I need often to search in Excel with formulas for some special texts in a cell. The number of rows i need to search are 100.000 to 500.000, in rare case up to 1.000.000. To avoid long formulas i wrote a own UDF to search for multiple text strings in a cell. The new formula is short to handle. I optimize the runtime of this formula as good as i can. It needs 11 to 12 sec for 500.000 rows.
I made this formula in two ways: one uses IF-Statement (SuchenSIF), the other (SuchenSSELCASE) use SELECT CASE Statements. Booth formulas have the same speed. Can you give me some hint how to get a better performance?
Syntax of this formula is:
SuchenSIF(cell to search, text to search 1, ... text to search 6)
SuchenSSELCASE(cell to search, text to search 1, ... text to search 6)
Public Function SuchenSIF(Zelle As Range, such1 As String, Optional such2 As String, Optional such3 As String, Optional such4 As String, Optional such5 As String, Optional such6 As String) As Integer
' this code, based on IF-statements need 11-12 seconds for 500.000 rows
' Start of IF-Section
ZelleWert = Zelle.Value
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such1, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then Exit Function
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such2, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS <> vbFalse Then Exit Function
If Len(such3) > 0 Then
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such3, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then Exit Function
If Len(such4) > 0 Then
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such4, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then Exit Function
If Len(such5) > 0 Then
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such5, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then Exit Function
If Len(such6) > 0 Then
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such6, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End If
' End of IF-Section
If SuchenS = 0 Then SuchenS = False
End Function
Public Function SuchenSSELCASE(Zelle As Range, such1 As String, Optional such2 As String, Optional such3 As String, Optional such4 As String, Optional such5 As String, Optional such6 As String) As Integer
' this code, based on SELECT-CASE-statements need 11-12 seconds for 500.000 rows
' Start of SELECT-CASE -Section
ZelleWert = Zelle.Value
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such1, vbTextCompare) * Len(such1)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such2, vbTextCompare) * Len(such2)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such3, vbTextCompare) * Len (such3)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such4, vbTextCompare) * Len(such4)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such5, vbTextCompare) * Len(such5)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, such6, vbTextCompare) * Len(such6)
Select Case SuchenS
Case 0
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such6)
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such5)
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such4)
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such3)
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such2)
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
SuchenS = SuchenS / Len(such1)
Exit Function
End Select
' End of SELECT-CASE -Section
If SuchenS = 0 Then SuchenS = False
End Function
Upvotes: 4
Views: 986
Reputation: 33692
You have not provided any data how you use this Function
and what you are trying to achieve. Maybe we can replace your entire Function
concept with something shorter and faster.
Edit: removed the previous concept, and decided to use this version with Application.Match
Public Function SuchenSIF(Zelle As Range, such1 As String, Optional such2 As String, Optional such3 As String, Optional such4 As String, Optional such5 As String, Optional such6 As String) As Integer
Dim suchArr() As String, Elem As Variant
ReDim suchArr(0 To 5)
' create suchArr with only such arguments that are none-blank
For Each Elem In Array(such1, such2, such3, such4, such5, such6)
If Elem <> vbNullString Then
suchArr(i) = Elem
i = i + 1
End If
Next Elem
ReDim Preserve suchArr(0 To i - 1) ' resize to actual populated array size
' use Match to get the index of the array that is matched
SuchenSIF = Application.Match(Zelle.Value, suchArr, 0) - 1
If IsError(SuchenSIF) Then SuchenSIF = -10000 ' Just to Raise some kind of error "NOT found!"
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12113
You could create an array containing only the parameters which have been passed to the function and loop through that for a bit of a speed gain (...I think)
Public Function SuchenSIF(Zelle As Range, such1 As String, Optional such2 As String, Optional such3 As String, Optional such4 As String, Optional such5 As String, Optional such6 As String) As Integer
Dim possibleInputs As Variant, v As Variant, inputs As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim ZelleWert As String
possibleInputs = Array(such2, such3, such4, such5, such6)
'create an array of non-empty parameters
ReDim inputs(0 To 0)
inputs(0) = such1
For i = 0 To 4
If possibleInputs(i) <> vbNullString Then
ReDim Preserve inputs(0 To UBound(inputs) + 1)
inputs(UBound(inputs)) = possibleInputs(i)
End If
Next i
ZelleWert = CStr(Zelle.Value)
'loop through given parameters and exit if found
For Each v In inputs
SuchenS = InStr(1, ZelleWert, v, vbTextCompare)
If SuchenS > 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Next v
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 23550
You can make some speed gains by converting the cell value to a string once before all the instr calls rather than forcing a variant to string conversion for each call.
Dim ZelleWert as string
If you have a large number of calls to the UDF you need to avoid the VBE Refresh bug: see
And you could probably make a faster UDF if you converted the UDF to handle a Range of cells and return an array of results: see
Upvotes: 2