Reputation: 463
I'm always trying to write the most performant SQL queries, but time and again I run into a report request where I feel like I shouldn't be the first person ever that needed to run such a query and there's probably a better method to generate the data set that I'm looking for.
This pertains to SQL Server 2012.
Consider this table of data, called Sales
In this scenario, a Sale has a start date and an end date. The end date may be null because the customer is still receiving service (e.g. think of a subscription based product/service). You'll notice in the data above, that 3 of the customers have stopped service and 5 are still receiving service.
What would be the best query(s) to write to turn the below into something like this:
*obviously the data sets are different, but this second image as an example.
The "Active" status in the result would be if a customer's StartDate is within OR before the month column AND the customer's EndDate is null or after the month column.
-This could be done with a ton of inline selects (which would be horrible). -Maybe this could be done with T-SQL's PIVOT, but I'm unclear if it's possible to include the StartDate/EndDate logic above, how to (if possible) and if it would be performant (if possible)
Thoughts? Ideas? Examples? THANK YOU!
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Views: 705
Reputation: 81930
If you are looking for a Dynamic Pivot, consider the following
Create Some Sample Data
--Drop Table #YourTable
Create Table #YourTable (CustomerID int,StartDate date,EndDate date,SalesPersonID int,ServicePalnID int,DivisionID int)
Insert Into #YourTable values
(2,'2017-01-01',null ,1,5,1),
(3,'2017-02-04',null ,1,5,1),
(5,'2017-06-06',null ,2,6,2),
(7,'2017-04-01',null ,2,6,3),
(8,'2017-04-04',null ,3,6,3)
The Dynamic Query
Declare @Date1 date = '2017-01-01'
Declare @Date2 date = GetDate()
Declare @SQL varchar(max) = Stuff((Select ',' + QuoteName(format(D,'MMM yyyy'))
From (
Select Top (DateDiff(MONTH,@Date1,@Date2)+1)
D=DateAdd(MONTH,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By Number),@Date1)
From master..spt_values
) A
For XML Path('')),1,1,'')
Select @SQL = '
Select [YAxis] as [Division],' + @SQL + '
From (
Select YAxis = concat(''Division '',A.DivisionID)
,XAxis = format(D,''MMM yyyy'')
,Value = 1
From #YourTable A
Join (
Select Top (DateDiff(MONTH,'''+concat('',@Date1)+''','''+concat('',@Date2)+''')+1)
D=DateAdd(MONTH,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By Number),'''+concat('',@Date1)+''')
From master..spt_values
) B
on D between DateFromParts(Year(StartDate),month(StartDate),1) and EOMonth(IsNull(EndDate,GetDate()))
) A
Pivot (sum(Value) For [XAxis] in (' + @SQL + ') ) p'
Upvotes: 1