Reputation: 33
I can't get my head around a solution for the following problem: I have three tables (MS SQL):
| MachineID | MachineName |
| 1 | Press 1 |
| 2 | Press 2 |
| 3 | Press 3 |
| PartID | PartName |
| 1 | Part 1 |
| 2 | Part 2 |
| 3 | Part 3 |
| ID | MachineId | PartID | |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | |
| 3 | 1 | 3 | |
| 4 | 2 | 2 | |
| 5 | 3 | 2 | |
| 6 | 3 | 3 | |
And thats what i want to get as my query result: (If Machine and Part are assigned, which is the case when there is a matching row in MachinePartAssign its true (or 1), otherwise its should be false (or 0). I could also insert one row for every part / machine combination into MachinePartAssign and include an additional boolean (bit) column if that makes it easier. I would still need a similar pivot-query then. (?))
desired Result (true or false can be exchanged with 1 and 0 if that makes it easier)
| | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
| Press 1 | true | true | true |
| Press 2 | false | true | false |
| Press 3 | false | true | true |
At the moment im doing this with a loop in c#: first selecting every machine, then all parts and afterwards selecting the MachinePartAssign for that specific machine/part combination. If i get >1 rows back its true. That means one query for every single machine / part.
Im sure theres a more elegant way for that. I know that MSSQL provides PIVOT-functionality but im not sure how to use that in my case.
Thanks a lot!
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Views: 768
Reputation: 29002
This is a projection, and you're always better doing projections in SQL. Because you've got a cell for every combination of Machine and Part, this is one of the rare occasions when you need a cross join, so...
SELECT m.MachineName, p.PartName, IIF( is null, 0, 1)
FROM Machines m CROSS JOIN Parts p
LEFT JOIN MachinePartAssign mpa
ON m.MachineId = mpa.MachineId and p.PartId = mpa.PartId
ORDER BY m.MachineId, p.PartId
I think you're better off constructing the table in C# because the dynamic sql option to me is difficult to understand and maintain. Back in your app, you just need to loop through your result set and spit out a new line every time MachineId changes.
Here's the full working example on Rextester, what a cool tool!
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Reputation: 4039
Here is a dynamic version of the PIVOT function, in case you will have more than just 3 parts in your Parts table:
declare @cols_part as nvarchar(max), @query as nvarchar(max)
select @cols_part = stuff((select distinct ',' + quotename(partname) from
parts for xml path(''), type ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)') ,1,1,'')
set @query = 'select machinename, ' + @cols_part + '
select mp.machinename, mp.partname, iif(mpa.ID IS NULL,
0, 1) as machinepart
from ( select m.machineid, m.machinename, p.partid,
p.partname from machines m cross join
parts p ) mp
left join machinepartassign mpa on mp.machineid =
mpa.machineid and mp.partid = mpa.partid
) x
pivot ( max(machinepart) for partname in (' + @cols_part + ')
)p '
select @query -- to check the generated query
execute sp_executesql @query;
Since you need to have in the columns every part, even if there are no parts for a specific machine, I used a cross join between machines and parts and then a left join to the machinepartassign table, to find if there are any parts for a specific car and if so, display 1.
you can see the result of this query.
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Reputation: 5148
like this
DECLARE @Parts AS TABLE (PartID int, PartName varchar(30))
(1 ,'Part 1'),
(2 ,'Part 2'),
(3 ,'Part 3')
DECLARE @Machine AS TABLE( MachineID int, MachineName varchar(30))
INSERT INTO @Machine VALUES (1, 'Press 1'), (2, 'Press 2'), (3, 'Press 3')
DECLARE @MachinePartAssign AS TABLE( ID int, MachineId int, PartID int )
INSERT INTO @MachinePartAssign VALUES (1,1,1),(2,1,2),(3,1,3),(4,2,2),(5,3,2),(6,3,3)
SELECT MachineName, Isnull([Part 1],0) AS [Part 1], Isnull([Part 2],0) AS [Part 2], isnull([Part 3],0) AS [Part 3]
SELECT m.MachineName, p.PartName, IIF(mpa.ID IS NULL, 0, 1) AS MachinePart FROM @Machine m
LEFT JOIN @MachinePartAssign mpa ON m.MachineID = mpa.MachineId
LEFT JOIN @Parts p ON p.PartID = mpa.PartID
) src
max(MachinePart) FOR PartName IN ([Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3] )
) pvt
Result of this query: In rextester
If table Part can be added other items, you could use dynamic sql query like this
CREATE TABLE #Parts (PartID int, PartName varchar(30))
(1 ,'Part 1'),
(2 ,'Part 2'),
(3 ,'Part 3'),
(4 ,'Part 4')
CREATE TABLE #Machine ( MachineID int, MachineName varchar(30))
INSERT INTO #Machine VALUES (1, 'Press 1'), (2, 'Press 2'), (3, 'Press 3')
CREATE TABLE #MachinePartAssign ( ID int, MachineId int, PartID int )
INSERT INTO #MachinePartAssign VALUES (1,1,1),(2,1,2),(3,1,3),(4,2,2),(5,3,2),(6,3,3)
DECLARE @PivotColumns nvarchar(max)
SELECT @PivotColumns = STUFF((SELECT concat(',[',p.PartName,']') FROM #Parts p FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
DECLARE @HeaderColumns nvarchar(max)
SELECT @HeaderColumns = STUFF((SELECT concat(', ISNULL([',p.PartName,'],0) AS [', p.PartName,']') FROM #Parts p FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'')
--SELECT @HeaderColumns, @PivotColumns
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = CONCAT('
SELECT MachineName,', @HeaderColumns ,
SELECT m.MachineName, p.PartName, IIF(mpa.ID IS NULL, 0, 1) AS MachinePart FROM #Machine m
LEFT JOIN #MachinePartAssign mpa ON m.MachineID = mpa.MachineId
LEFT JOIN #Parts p ON p.PartID = mpa.PartID
) src
max(MachinePart) FOR PartName IN (',@PivotColumns,')
) pvt'
-- PRINT @sql
DROP TABLE #MachinePartAssign
Link demo: Dynamic pivot
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9
It also works if the pivot column and the valu colum is the same:
SELECT MachineName, [Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3]
SELECT m.MachineName, p.PartName
FROM dbo.MachinePartAssign a
INNER JOIN dbo.Parts p ON a.PartID = p.PartID
INNER JOIN dbo.Machines m ON a.MachineID = m.MachineID
) x
COUNT(PartName) FOR PartName IN ([Part 1], [Part 2], [Part 3])
) p
Upvotes: 0