Reputation: 3
I am trying to produce this plot using Matplotlib with Python 2.
Expected output:
The available source code is as follows.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import python-mpi todo
## Initialize #{{{
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern Roman, Times']})
colors = ("#BB3300", "#8800DD", "#2200FF", "#0099DD", "#00AA00", "#AA8800",
"#661100", "#440077", "#000088", "#003366", "#004400", "#554400")
## In the measured data (calculated and grouped in PKGraph), the order of properties is:
## x, Nr, Ni, Zr, Zi, eps_r, eps_i, mu_r, mu_i
## 0 1 5 7
## In the Riad's simulation data, the order of properties is:
## x, mu_r, mu_i, eps_r, eps_i, N_r, N_i, Z_r, Z_i
## 0 1 3 5 7
properties = [
#{"name":"Refractive index", "symbol":"$N$", "meas_col":1, "sim_col":5, "ylim":(0., 3.)},
{"name":"Real permeability", "symbol":"Permeability $\\mu_{\\mathrm{eff}}'$", "meas_col":7, "sim_col":1, "ylim":(-.5, 3.)},
{"name":"Imaginary permeability","symbol":"Permeability $\\mu_{\\mathrm{eff}}''$", "meas_col":8, "sim_col":2, "ylim":(-3.5, 1.)},
#{"name":"Permitivitty", "symbol":"$\\varepsilon$", "meas_col":5, "sim_col":3, "ylim":(-1.,6.)},
samples_dir = "particle_statistics/"
samples = [
#{"file":"sub38.csv", "name":"sub38", "color":colors[2], "rescaling": 1},
#{"file":"38-40.csv", "name":"38-40", "color":colors[3], "rescaling": 1},
{"file":"40-50.csv", "name":"40-50", "color":colors[4], "rescaling": 15./12},
#{"file":"53.csv", "name":"53", "color":colors[5], "rescaling": 1},
{"file":"100.csv", "name":"100", "color":colors[4], "rescaling": 2, "eps":76.},
for property_ in properties:
for sample in samples:
print property_['name'], sample['name']
print " Load measured spectral data from csv file"#{{{
(meas_x, meas_y) = scipy.loadtxt('measured_spectral_data/N'+sample['file'],
usecols=(0, property_['meas_col']), unpack=True)
print " Load simulated spectral data from csv file" #{{{
## Load data
(sim_x, sim_y) = scipy.loadtxt("simulated_spectral_data/d39_ff12_eps92.csv",
usecols=(0, property_['sim_col']), unpack=True)
## Extend the first and last point for proper interpolation out of bounds
sim_x = scipy.append(scipy.array([0]), sim_x)
sim_x = scipy.append(sim_x, scipy.array([max(sim_x)*10]))
sim_y = scipy.append(sim_y[0:1], sim_y)
sim_y = scipy.append(sim_y, sim_y[-2:-1])
## Value used in the Riad Yahiaoui's simulation
sim_particle_size = 39e-6
sim_particle_eps = 94
## Normalize effective size to the mean permittivity of TiO2
## which is eps_o=87, eps_e=165 at frequency of 0,5 THz
## TODO: to be discussed: Correction to possible air voids needed to fit the data!
#meas_particle_eps = (165+87+87)*(1./3) # _ = , theoretical dense TiO2
meas_particle_eps = 94 # suggested in Riad's dis.; this fits well for the '40-50' sample
if sample.has_key('eps'): meas_particle_eps = sample['eps']
print " Load particles and calculate histogram of major/minor axis"#{{{
majors, minors = scipy.loadtxt("particle_statistics/"+sample['file'])/1e6 ## the values were stored in micrometers
bins = scipy.arange(2e-6, 140e-6, .1e-6)
bin_particle_count = [0]*(len(bins)-1) # particles_number_in_bin; initialize to zeroes
bin_minor_sum = [0]*(len(bins)-1)
for n in range(len(bins)-1):
for (major, minor) in zip(majors, minors):
if (bins[n]<major) and (major<bins[n+1]):
bin_particle_count[n] += 1
bin_minor_sum[n] += minor
print " Sum the response of the particles according to their histogram"#{{{
## Initialize variables
total_response_n = 0*meas_x
total_bins_weight = 0
average_particle_totalsize = 0
average_particle_totalweight = 0
## Scale some properties with respect to those of vacuum instead of zero
vacuum_property = 1. if ("Real" in property_['name']) else 0.
for n in [n for n in range(len(bin_particle_count)) if (bin_particle_count[n]>0)]:
## Properties of this bin
bin_major = (bins[n]+bins[n+1])/2
bin_minor = bin_minor_sum[n]/bin_particle_count[n]
bin_particle_size = (1./3*bin_major**-2 + 1./3*bin_minor**-2 + 1./3*bin_minor**-2)**-.5
## The averaging weight (fill factor) of each bin
# TODO are oblong elipsoids "maj-min-min" correct?
# TODO which power is correct?
filling_factor_power = 2 # XXX
bin_weight_coef = (bin_particle_size/sim_particle_size)**filling_factor_power
bin_weight = bin_particle_count[n] * bin_weight_coef
total_bins_weight += bin_weight
## Calculate response of the bin
scaled_sim_x = sim_x * (sim_particle_size/bin_particle_size) * (sim_particle_eps/meas_particle_eps)
interp_function = interp1d(scaled_sim_x, sim_y, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
bin_response_n = (interp_function(meas_x) - vacuum_property) * bin_weight
total_response_n += bin_response_n
## Calculate which particle size is the average
average_particle_totalsize += bin_particle_size * bin_weight
average_particle_totalweight += bin_weight
print " Get spectrum for average (modus) particle"#{{{
## Prepare data for "clean" unconvolved resonance curve (of average particle size)
#avg_particle_size = average_particle_totalsize / average_particle_totalweight
avg_particle_size = bins[bin_particle_count.index(max(bin_particle_count))]
print " ... ", avg_particle_size
scaled_sim_x = sim_x * (sim_particle_size/avg_particle_size) * (sim_particle_eps/meas_particle_eps)
interp_function = interp1d(scaled_sim_x, sim_y, kind='linear', bounds_error=False)
unconv_response = (interp_function(meas_x)-vacuum_property)*sample['rescaling']+vacuum_property
print " Plot the graph"#{{{
## Plot
if 'imag' in property_['name'].lower(): plotsign = -1
else: plotsign = 1
ax = plt.subplot(len(samples)*10 + len(properties)*100 + samples.index(sample) +
len(properties)*properties.index(property_) + 1)
last_row= (properties.index(property_) == len(properties)-1)
last_column= (samples.index(sample) == len(samples)-1)
ax.plot(meas_x, meas_y*plotsign, color=sample['color'], label="Experiment",
linewidth=0, marker='o', markersize=3)
ax.plot(meas_x, total_response_n/total_bins_weight*sample['rescaling']*plotsign+vacuum_property*plotsign,
color='black', label="Simulation", linewidth=1.5, linestyle=('-','--','-.',':')[0])
ax.plot(meas_x, unconv_response*plotsign, color='r', label="Single size",
linewidth=1, linestyle=('-','--','-.',':')[0])
## Annotate
if not last_row:
ax.text(.95, 0.0, '"'+sample['name']+'" sample',
bbox=dict(boxstyle="round,pad=0.1", fc="white", ec="white", lw=.4))
if last_row:
if last_column: ax.legend(loc=(.55,.1))
ax.set_xlabel(u"Frequency [THz]")
ax.set_xlim((0.2, 1.459))
print " Finish the graph"
#plt.savefig("3EOS_convolution_elmajminmin-f-"+property_['name']+"_pow"+`filling_factor_power`+".pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig("mm2012_convolution.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
#plt.savefig("3EOS_convolution_eps094_pow0.png", bbox_inches='tight')
However, I got this which is not the same.
Current output:
Could you please help me? Thank you.
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Views: 654
Reputation: 339600
It seems you are in general not happy with how matplotlib 2.0 handles the plotting. So you may use the classic style'classic')
and see in how far the result is more to your wishes. For any remaining differences, please update your question.
Upvotes: 0